The Bank & FEDRA Remnants

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The pair hop over the barbed wire with Noel which leads to a small part of the city

Ellie: Think Tommy came through here?

Tom: No doub.t Okay, let's see where we are

He pulls out the map and Ellie points to where they are at

Ellie: Pretty sure... we are right here

Tom: Nice

He pulls his pen out and moves his face close towards the map as Ellie snorts in amusement

Tom:(sighs) You know what? Why don't you, mark it as we go? You have better eyes than I do

He hands over the map to his lovely wife along with the pen and she marks it up for him

Tom: Thank you, Ellie... I'm really glad you came with me

He kisses her and she smiles. They ride and Ellie looks around

Ellie: Surprised seeing the QZ so...

Tom: Empty?

Ellie: Yeah. Was expecting a army of WLF

Tom: Maybe they're hiding out in that hotel

Ellie: How many you think there are?

Tom: Mmm. Ten, maybe more, but I've dealt with more. We'll be okay

He said playing with one of his superhero cards from his collection of Marvel and DC characters. The one he holds in his hand is Capt. America, his second favorite hero of the Marvel universe. His first favorite being, Spider-Man. He has yet to find a Batman card. It's a rarity for him 

Ellie looks at the card 

Ellie: Your dad was a SEAL right?

Tom: Right

Ellie: And that's his pistol?

Tom: Yeah. His service weapon in the Teams. Though, his main carry was a Glock 19

Ellie: He kill a lot of people in what was it? Iraq?

Tom: Yeah. He was part of a special team? Whatever that meant at the time. But he had a few pictures saved of him and his team and there faces were blacked out

Ellie: What does that mean?

Tom: I think it was to conceal their identity

Ellie: Ohhh... Surprised FEDRA didn't try to recruit him

Tom: Oh, they did. But him and my mom were already up in the woods taking care of me 

Ellie: What did he think of the Fireflies?

Tom: Same thing, I thought of them. Just part of the problem, as if dealing with a tyrannical government wasn't enough now there was a group thinking they can do better

He shakes his head 

Tom: Guess it was just fate...

They continue riding until reaching a broken down building

Tom: Wanna see if we can get anything?

Ellie: Wouldn't hurt to look

Tom: Okay 

The pair hop off Noel and Tommy strokes Noel's hair

Tom: We'll be right back boy

Noel neighs as Tommy grabs his M1A from the saddle and he press checks the chamber to ensure a round is in... 


He looks to Ellie who does the same with her Sig

Tom: Ready?

Ellie: Yeah 

They enter the building and Ellie looks at the caved in roof... the building looks like it could collapse at any moment

Ellie: Uhh, this isn't gonna crush us, is it?

Tom: No. It's probably been like this for years. I doubt it's going to collapse anytime soon

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