To School

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The group raise a garage door that leads towards the school and Bill points out the truck wi

Bill: What'd I tell ya. There's that truck, sticking outta the school right there. C'mon, there's a bunch of 'em up there, so try not to make a sound

Tom: Oorr, you guys can stay here and I'll take them out

He said looking up and seeing about three runners and clickers

Tom: Oh, yeah. It'll be fun

Bill: How do you find killing these things fun?

Tom: You're one to talk. Setting up traps for these things. You're telling me you don't find satisfaction in blowing these things up to pieces?

Bill: You make a good point

Joel: Alright, just be careful

Tom: When am I not?

He smiles and goes to leave but Ellie grabs his hand and looks up at him, worriedly

Tom: I'll be okay, I promise

Tommy stands up with his bow drawn and takes out a couple runners. He recovers his arrows and sneaks up behind a clicker, stabbing it in the head. He goes around a bus and tosses a bottle to attract the rest of them. The boy lights a Molotov and tosses it, getting rid of the rest

Tom: Nothin' to it

He flicks his lighter close and signals the group

Bill: Well, I'm impressed, kid

Tom: Pshh

Joel ruffles his hair and follows Bill where Ellie high fives her best friend

Ellie: Such a badass

Bill: They must be holed up somewhere else

Joel: Well, let's not test our luck. How do we get inside?

Ellie: Someone left a ladder on the bus

Joel: Alright, c'mon, Tommy

He boosts Tommy up who makes sure it's clear before setting the ladder down

Tom: There you go

Everybody heads over and hops over a fence

Bill: We're okay. We just need to get to the hood of the truck. Shit. You hear that?

Infected scream

 They're coming! Move it, kids! Alright, we're gonna get in quick. We're gonna get the battery. We're gonna get the hell outta here!

Ellie: Oh, fuck! They're piling over the fence! It's not gonna hold!

Tom: Goddamnit! 

He unslings his rifle and gets to a crouch as shots immediately sound off killing infected as efficiently as he can but their numbers only grow

Bill: Door's locked!

Tom: Hurry up! They're getting through!

Joel opens a window nearby and opens it as infected chew through the gate

Joel: Go, go, go!

Bill and Ellie get in

Ellie: Tommy!

Joel: Hurry!

Tommy slings his rifle and attempts to hop in but a clicker grabs him by the leg and pins him down to the dumpster but Joel grabs the boy and pulls him in before blasting away the clicker with his shotgun and shutting the window

Ellie then helps up Tommy and checks him for bites

Ellie: Are you okay?! No bites?

Tom: I'm okay, Ellie, I'm okay. C'mon!

They quickly barricade the door with Joel as Bill checks the truck

Joel: Bill, make it fast!

Tom: C'mon!

Bill: It's empty!

Joel: What?!

Bill: It's fuckin' empty!

Tom: You gotta be fucking me!

Ellie: Guys!

Joel: Bill, where to!?

Bill: Uhh

Tom: Bill!

Bill: Anywhere but here!

Tommy takes Ellie's hand and they scramble into the high school corridors, escaping the mini horde

Bill: Let's um... We'll sneak out back

Joel: Let Tommy and I take point. We'll get us outta here

Bill: Be my guests

Tommy lets go of Ellie's hand despite her cute objection. He reloads his rifle and follows Joel

They then make it to a lab with infected in each room

Tom: Split up?

Joel: Yeah. Ellie, go with Tommy. Bill, you're with me. We'll meet at the end of the hallway. Careful, you two

Tom: We got it

He fist bumps Joel

Ellie and Tommy sneak into each room where Tommy kills each infected with stealth

Ellie: You're pretty good at killing these things

Tom: Yeah, they get stupid after a while

Ellie giggles and the pair make it to the end of the hallway with Bill and Joel

Tom: Not bad, huh?

Joel: Yeah, not bad

He smiles and ruffles the boy's hair

The group eventually makes it into a basketball court, hearing more coming

Bill: Shit. There's more on the way. Barricade the doors

They do so and hear a weird noise

Joel: That doesn't sound good

Tom: No, it doesn't

A large, grotesque infected comes out from the equipment room... 


Tom: Shit!

Bill: Oh, no

Ellie: What the fuck is that?!

Tom: A fucking Bloater!

Ellie: A what?!

Tom: Get down, Ellie!

He brings her down behind cover as the bloater throws its acid bombs at the group. Joel and Tommy toss Molotov's at the big monster in tandem. Joel uses his shotgun and Tommy puts rounds into it with his rifle, drawing the bloater to him and away from Ellie

The Bloater rushes Tommy but he quickly dodges it while tossing a nail bomb into its face, killing it... Tommy puts a security round into it's face and reloads his rifle

Tom: It's dead!

He said catching his breath as Ellie comes out from cover, inspecting the Bloater

Ellie: Aw, geez... what was up with that big guy?

Joel: He's been infected for a long time. We call them Bloaters

Ellie: Bloater... Okay, got it

Bill: I hate to interrupt your little biology lesson, but can we get the fuck outta here? Please? Let's get on top of these bleachers. Gimme a boost, Joel

Joel boosts up Bill and Tommy boosts up Ellie. Tommy then sweeps the area with his rifle looking and keeping an ear out for more infected

Joel: Alright, c'mon, son

He goes to boost Tommy up but more infected break through

Tom: Great. Anyone got a Molotov?

Ellie: Here, made it for you!

She drops it down to Tommy, who lights it and tosses the burning projectile at the infected, killing them all with Joel

Tommy pats Joel's shoulder, getting ready for him to boost him up

Tom: Let's try this again, yeah?

Joel nods and they head up where Tommy smiles at Ellie

Tom: Thanks, Ellie

He pats her head they exit out the bleacher window with more infected

Tom: Fuuuuck!

Bill: This way! We're sittin' ducks here

Ellie: There's another ladder over here!

She grabs Tommy's hand and they climb over the ladder with the adults and they take refuge in the nearest house...


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