Finding Dear Brother

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The trio make it to Wyoming and see a sign on their trail

Ellie: Jackson County. That means we're close to Jackson City, right?

Tom:(sighs) Home's not too far

Ellie: You live around here?

Tom: Well, a few miles away but it's near

Joel: We can visit if you want

Ellie: Yeah, like a birthday visit

It was Tommy's birthday in July, which was when he met Ellie. Just they were so busy and on the move that Joel didn't have the time to set up anything for him but Tommy didn't mind

Tom: It's alright. Let's go find your brother

He said taking a painkiller 

Ellie: You feel okay?

Tommy blacked out a few weeks after Henry and Sam and it wasn't good, it stumped their journey for quite a bit

Tom: Yeah, I'm okay

Ellie walks over to him and snakes her hand to his side and gently rubs it

Ellie: How's that feel? Better?

Tom: A lot better, thank you

Ellie smiles and kisses his nose. Tommy doesn't know what's been going on with her lately, but she's been A LOT more affectionate than usual. But he doesn't mind, though. The pair begin to move and Ellie holds Tommy's hand

Ellie: Ready to see your dear old brother?

Joel: I'm just ready to get there

Tom: Nervous?

Joel: I don't know what I'm feeling

The road eventually washes out

Tom: Gah, stupid road

Ellie: Tell me about it

Joel: We just follow the river. It'll lead us straight to Tommy's. C'mon

They head down 

Tom: So, what happened with you and Tommy?

Ellie: Yeah?

Joel: We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all

Tom: Must've been a serious disagreement

Ellie: What was it about?

Joel: He saw the world one way. I saw it the other

Ellie: And that's why he joined the Fireflies?

Joel: Yeah, your friend Marlene promised him hope. That kept him busy for a while, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too

Ellie: How was it, the last time you saw him?

Joel: I believe his last words to me were. "I don't ever want to see your god damned face again"

Tom: Umm. He's gonna help us, right?

Joel: I suppose we're gonna find out

Ellie: Well, with or without his help, we'll get there

Tom: I mean, he's still family, Joel. That must mean something still, right?

Joel: I don't know, kiddo

Tom: In the end, family has to stick together. Tess was family, right?

Joel: She was, son. She was

Tom: Am I family to you?

Joel: Yes

He said without hesitation and Tommy nods and smiles

Ellie: Am I family?

Tom: Of course

Joel doesn't answer but Ellie was happy that she got a answer from Tommy at least

The trio eventually come up on a hydroelectric power plant

Ellie: Whoa, what's that?

Tom: That is a hydroelectric power plant

Joel: Bingo

Ellie: A...hydra who?

Joel: It, uh uses the river's movement and turns it into electricity

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