The Dam

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Maria: False alarms. They're friendlies. We've been dealing with raids. Lot of bandits in this area

Tommy M: It's been quiet for a few days

Joel: What the hell are you doin' here? I thought I'd find you in Jackson

Tommy M: Been trying to bring the plant back to life

Maria: We had it working before, but one of the turbines went south

Tommy M: We have electricity, Joel... had. We'll get it running again

Ellie pulls Tommy over to some horses

Ellie: No way. You guys have horses. Tommy, you see these?

Tom: I mean, you did pull me over here, so yeah. I'm not that blind, I told you this

He said with a chuckle and Ellie pouts and punches his arm

Tommy M: We got a whole lot of 'em

Man: Hey, Tommy, gimme a hand with this

Tommy M: Sorry. I'll be right back

Ellie: Can we?

Maria: Yeah, of course. He likes when you pet his ears. You guys ever ride one?

She asks as Ellie takes Tommy's hand to pet the horses with her

Tom: Yeah, there was a horse where I lived. She would just trot around and one my dad found a saddle, taught me how to ride her... Uh, Vera, we named her

Ellie: A soldier in the zone gave me some lessons

Maria: You know, if you kids, want we can take him riding later

Ellie: Tommy?

She looks up at Tommy cutely and he boops her nose

Tom: I'd love that

Tommy M: There!

Man: Hey thanks, Tommy

Tommy M: No sweat. All right, let's continue our tour

They continue on until Maria gets a radio call about the plant possibly coming back up but she wants to eat with the kids

Tommy M: It's my turn anyway. I'll go

Joel: I'll come with you. You kids go with Maria and puts some food in you

Ellie: Okay

Maria:(over radio) I'm sending Tommy over. Stand by. C'mon, kids

She leads them through the plant

Maria: So, what's the deal with you two? You kids dating?

Ellie: Mmm, no. Not yet

Tom: Not yet, huh?

Ellie: I mean, uhh... Mmm

She whimpers in embarrassment and Maria giggles as they make it to a cafeteria

Maria: You kids find someplace to sit. I'll bring some food over to you lovebirds

Tom: Okay. Thanks, Maria

Maria: You're welcome, sweetheart

She walks off and Ellie pulls Tommy over to an empty table to sit down

Ellie: This place ain't so bad

Tom: Yeah

He takes in the room and feels a sense of safety for once

Ellie: You think Tommy is gonna help us?

Tom: Let's hope so

Ellie: Yeah

Tom: You said, "not yet" back there...

Ellie: Oh! I uh...

Before she could answer Maria arrives with two trays

Maria: Here you go

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