Chapter nine

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„apology accepted"

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The next day was calm, y/n woke up because of Yeosang. He woke her up and told her that his mother had made them breakfast. She got up and got dressed in a different dress, walking downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning!" She heard an energetic voice say, making it known that the other guys are also here. She smiled and sat down next to Yeosang, since that's the only chair available. "I'm sorry if the food doesn't taste good honey" His mother said, making Y/n look up. "I'm sure it's great Ms.Kang" Y/n smiled and took a bite, immediately savoring the taste of his mothers cooking.

"I love it.." y/n said without thinking, making his mom chuckle, along with the other guys. Wooyoung however didn't touch his food once, his eyes stayed on Y/n, biting his lower lip he stood up and sat down beside her. The other guys knew what was up and only threw him confused glances. "Can I help you?" y/n asked and looked at him with a small smile. Wooyoung smiled a little and nod. "Meet me outside in five minutes" he whispered into her ear and left the kitchen.

All of them continued eating until Y/n stood up. She thanked Yeosang's mom for the food and left to go out of the front door. There sat Wooyoung on the stairs of it, she sat down next to him and looked at him. "I'm here, so what did you want to talk about-" Wooyoung grabbed her by her neck gently and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She was too surprised to kiss back, making Wooyoung pull away. He wasn't embarrassed, not even one bit..
"You've got soft lips princess.."he muttered and winked at her, making her blush.

"What was that for though?" She asked, looking at him again. Wooyoung grabbed her hand, intertwining it with his. "I like you. That's why" Y/n gulped, knowing she'll have to reject him for two reasons

1. They live in different time lines

2. She wouldn't be staying here for long

"I know we don't have a lot of time with each other but if you do decide on someone, and if that someone is me then I'll make sure to make it count" he said and smiled as he looked at her. "All of us know that you only want the one thing from her, so please leave her alone"
A voice from behind them said, looking up there stood Yunho. He shook his head and pulled Wooyoung away from her, pushing him inside. "I'm sorry about that Y/n. Please listen to me when I tell you that he's no good"
Yunho sat down next to her and looked at the villages streets, y/n nod and did the same.

"Ouch!" They heard a little kid yell and scream in pain shortly after wards, before anyone else could help, Yunho stood up and made his way to the child, helping it up and making sure that it's alright. "It's alright kid..where's your father or your mother?.." The kid explained in between sobs and Yunho walked away to hand the kid over to his parents. Yunho walked back and looked at y/n, noticing the smile on her face. „What?.." he asked as he sat down again. „It's nothing really.." she respond and chuckled „then why are you smiling?"

„It's just guys with children or that can take care of children are ten times more attractive to me" She honestly answered and looked back at him, noticing his blushed cheeks. "Would you like to walk around town a little? I could show you around" He suggested to which she nod. They both got up and started walking through the small village, passing by a few elderly people that Yunho greeted with a small smile. Y/n couldn't help but admire the tall guy's smile, it was so mesmerizing.

She was staring for a little too long before she realized Yunho's hand waving in front of her face. She snapped out of staring at him and "everything alright Y/n?" He asked her with a small smile. Y/n nod "couldn't be better actually" she smiled and linked her arm with his, catching him by surprise. "Let's get back home now, it's almost lunch time. Yeosang's mother cooks Everytime..always for all of us" he chuckles and then both start walking back to Yeosang's house. Upon arriving at the house, Y/n entered first and immediately spot Yeosang on one of the chairs, reading.

She sneakily made her way behind him, putting her hands gently on his shoulder and leaning over them. "What're you reading?" She asked, making Yeosang look up, his cheeks flushing red once he noticed how close they were. "Uhm..I-it's nothing special actually" he quickly answered but his face still remained close to hers, staring at her. His eyes traveled from hers to her nose and then to her lips.
"Tell me about it before lunch is ready" she said and sat down next to him, on another chair.

Yeosang looked at her with a raised eyebrow "do you actually want to hear about it?" He asked with a slight smile, she nod and smiled. "It's a book about the ocean, it's talking about all the myths out mermaids and merman, pirates and such" Yeosang started explaining the book to her, talking about every mythical creature that there is in the ocean. The serious and excited expression that Yeosang had plastered on his face made her smile. He was so busy ranting that he didn't even hear his mother calling him.

Y/n stood up and took the book from him, putting a bookmark in it before closing it and placing it in the nearest shelve. Yeosang was still ranting about pirates, how they can travel the world and have their freedom. "Yeosang" Y/n said, no use. "Yeosang~" once again, no use. "Sangie" this time she said a nickname, she noticed Yeosang blushing but he wouldn't stop ranting. Yeosang's mother stood at the doorframe of the living room, watching the two. "What are you looking at Honey?" A male voice said, making the women look up.

She smiled upon seeing her husband. "Yeosang and the girl he met...they remind me of used to rant this much too." His mother said and continued smiling. Mr. Kang looked over and noticed his son rambling while the girl that stood in front of him had a slight smile across her face. "What can I say..he's my son." Mr. Kang chuckled, only to be shushed by his wife.
Y/n stepped closer to yeosang, keeping the eye contact as he rambled. She grabbed his chin and kissed his cheek, making him stop talking.
He blinked surprised and looked at her "lunch is ready Sangie, let's go" y/n said and grabbed his arm, walking towards the door of the living room. She greeted Yeosang's parents and walked to the kitchen, sitting down on an empty seat and eating.

"Son, are you and this girl a couple?" Mr. Kang asked, making yeosang look up at his dad. " we're not" yeosang answered, his eyes landing on the girl that kissed his cheeks a few seconds ago. He felt his fathers hand on his shoulder "you sure are flustered, you like her don't you" again that question, yeosang thought.
"I do..but Wooyoung, Jongho and Yunho seem to like her too" Yeosang confessed, his eyes sadly glancing to his two other friends that stared at the girl, one with lustfull eyes, the other two with the same love that yeosang had.

"I can tell that you love her Son. Take her to our secret spot tonight..that's where I proposed to your mother" His dad said before leaving to the kitchen too. Yeosang looked at his mother, she smiled and nod.

"I saw the way she looked at you, there's that tiny sparkle in her eyes"

„time travel?" | ATEEZ x Reader" Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang