So many things to say

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Nathaniel is coming to mine for a visit today yesterday we FaceTime but I hear him snore on the other end of the phone only talking for 20 minutes.

I hear a knock on my room door since I'm bed rested
'Who is it'. The door opened slowly.
'It's me he says with excitement.
He rushed to hug me and give me a flower and my favourite sweet Haribo fantastic, He kisses my face continuously then finally sits next to me holding my hand. "Thanks for the presents big bear". "I hope you won't sleep on me again".
"No I had a good sleep", "I hardly slept when you was in the hospital". "Anyway how are u feeling".
" my stomach still hurts and legs".
" what have they done to Stacy, why didn't you tell me".
"Tell you what I said worrying ".while he rubs my stomach.
"Amelia has told me, that you should stay away from me. Why didn't you say anything I could have protected you"
" I don't know how you would have reacted you can be aggressive and I don't want you to get in trouble".

"What the door has to be slightly open, I'm watching you both".
"I shuck my head"
"Stacy please don't be mad at me, but I fought Amelia".
"I gasped, you can't fight a girl, you really need to control yourself, im always not going to be with you, you know."
"Im sorry babe really im really, really sorry".

I could hear how sincere he was I give him hug.
" I know you was angry at the time but I don't want to lose you because of your behaviour, can you please think before you do something, remember what I have taught you to calm yourself".
"Im guessing you got suspended".
He shuck his head on my chest.
"Are you angry at me I wish you would have told me".
"No I'm not I know you wanted to protect me but what you did wasn't right".
"I only pushed her"
"Even if you could have handled it a different way by speaking to her".
"Ok shorty I understand I'm sorry".
"It's ok".
"Your just so warm and smell good I can stay here the whole day".
"I know you like to change the subjects quickly".
" I guess what's in my mind I just say it". You can just be talking and then something caught's my eyes and I just talk about it".
"No wonder why you zone out a lot".

Nathaniel POV: I just love Stacy she allows me to be vulnerable, which I really need and I'm comfortable showing it to her. I've tried this in my past relationships but it's like I'm not allowed, it's strange that a boy needs it, or they manipulate me. I love when she plays with my hair, cuddles me, strokes my body especially the scars with care, loving me as a whole. I know Im very different but treats me like I'm not an aline or just a toy to play with.

I felt tears on my chest I don't know what's happening to him. I asked what's wrong, he said I just can't believe I've meet someone at the right time I've never had peace, I really love, I'm allowed to be vulnerable with you, you treat me like no one has, your my best friend so as my girlfriend at the same time, I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you. I love you, I'm always here for you Nathaniel,
I kiss his forehead and I also cry as well.

I heard my brother Devon laugh. You were right Stacy he's a softy. There's nothing wrong with that. I've never heard our seen a guy that soft. Just go away Devon, can't me and Nathaniel have peace.
"Why you telling my business". I'm not I was just talking to my brother about you. I didn't mean it in a bad way. It doesn't matter if it's a bad or good way.
"Just look at how the way she was cuddling you, your the man you should be cuddling her,he laughs. Nathaniel got up and says I'll show I'm no softy. I yelled at Nathaniel a few times remember think before you do something. I quickly got up to drag him but he's heavy. Devon and Nathaniel are both fighting. Stop I yelled. I heard heavy footsteps coming up and my dad breaks the fight. My dad yelled you need to leave right now angrily. He looked at me, and I shook my head gazing at him in annoyance. I'm sorry Stacy he says in a calm tone. I told him to leave now. My parents and my sister grace showed him to the front door.
Thanks a lot Devon, your just jealous!. I slammed my door.

Nathaniel's POV: i walked out of shame basically,I left with my head down listening to music. Is it me or my ADHD I don't know why I can't control myself when I'm upset. Now I've upset my Stacy . Will I have her back. I'll call her, I tried twice but no response. Ahhhh I hate my life. I had so many things to tell her but Devon had to ruin it I thought I could trust him.

I don't want you to speak to him again they both told me. I will he treats me like a queen. Really I mean look at the state of you, you can't walk probably, you have a black eye, and your voice sounds different because of him.
Don't blame him,Im still going to talk to him.
Does he even love you or does he like that you take care of him.
I know how I feel about him and it's going to stay like that I sad angrily I just want peace with Nathaniel always problems need to happen. But Stacy you never had a problem before so just leave him. I was really annoyed at my parents and Nathaniel. I don't know how this is going to go tomorrow.

Unexpected loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin