New classmate

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Today is Monday 16th October 2020 Stacy is in her design tech class first thing in the morning. Stacy was sitting in her table and saw a new boy he looked very handsome but had bruises and scars that looked a bit healed on his face i wondered why bless him. I'm a quite person so it's hard for me to talk to someone new. He joined my table with 2 girls and me while he's sitting next to me. The two girls on my table were looking at him in lust while I am . Hey the boy said smiling and I said hi back smiling. The two other girls were side eyeing me I guess it's because I'm way out of his league and he's spoken to me before them.

Teacher "today we will use the laptops to design your own house one person should go grab a laptop for your table".
One of the girl rushed to give the laptops but didn't for me. What's you name name I'm "Stacy" what's your's"Nathaniel" we whispered. I can give you a laptop, no you really don't have to I can do it my self. No i insist . while he's gone I felt very uncomfortable because I feel I'll get ganged up by those girls they are popular so I won't be able to do anything .

Stacy's POV:
I don't really have any friendship in school, I'll only talk to people in my class but not hangout I'm not sure why probably because I'm not great with communication or not relatable but oh well.
One of the girls says to me speak to him again and I'll embarrass you in front of the whole school.
Stacy tries to hold in her cry and stay strong so no one asks questions.

I thought, why does no one want to be close to me I feel alone and frightened I haven't done anything to those girls to be treating me like this. I feel like an outcast. Nathaniel  wasreturns he gives me the laptop I look down not saying anything.

Nathaniel's POV:
Wow she's really beautiful there's something about her I like she looks like she has a sweet soul. But why I came back she was quite all of a sudden.
Are you ok Stacy no response she looks at the girls as if it's for her to have permission to talk. Nathaniel says again are you ok. The teacher shouts at Nathaniel to do his work and the girls are laughing. Nathaniel then shouts at the teacher you can't tell me what to sir "Excuse me". Nathaniel shouts you herd me."Get out of my class". He pushes his chair and slams the door.
It's only the first day how is he already being rude, I don't know much about him and I'm ready to explore that.

Stacy's POV:
I sit on the bench eating my snack alone while I see he's talking to some boys we had in English class he's actually funny but very unfocused and fidgety. The class clown I think he's a confident person and it's only his first day. He's says some weird things but it's funny,to be honest I laughed and got in trouble a few times so as Nathaniel and my classmates. I can see he's going to be popular.
He looks at me and comes towards my direction. Nathaniel comes and sits next to me, I'm actually shocked and I have butterflies all of my stomach. Hey again we couldn't speak much in design tech. I laughed because you got sent out that's why. I'll like to get to know you Stacy. I look at him he does the same but I look elsewhere, Nathaniel asked what do you like to eat, well I like food so."I can see that already". Hey!, and I smack him on the arm. I'm joking he laughs. But what's your favourite food.
I don't know really I can't choose. What else do you do. Nothing really I just say home go on social media the whole time. Enough about me how comes your new here.

Nathaniel's POV:
If I tell her the real reason she wouldn't want to speak to me again.
Well it's for the best for me and I'm actually enjoying  this new environment.That's great to hear Nathaniel. Remember when you got me the laptop I wanted to say thanks but I was shy. Why didn't you reply me.Ermm like I said I was shy. No I don't think so its those girls on the table do you want me to speak to them. NO I said shaking. Nathaniel gives me a hug and said calm down I won't tell them in a calming tone.

Stacy's POV:
Why he give me a hug I just know him 2 hours ago,but I felt comfort straight away. Do I really have the feels for him that's not possible he wouldn't want to be with me I'm not pretty enough for him. He's so tall and handsome and I'm average looking.

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