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Princess are you awake. mmmmmm, how are u,
my head still hurts. Ok I'll give you medicine for it.
I get medicine for her and frozen mixed vegetables for my brushes.
As soon as I saw Nathaniel, Omg I'm sorry you have bruises it's my fault I was sobbing again.
Why is that. He comes to sit up and I lay on his lap while he strokes my cheeks and I take medicine for my headache.
Because I said you have told me and your dad started to beat you up. I saw everything thing Nathaniel why does grandma leave him to do that.

It's not your fault at all don't blame yourself, ma has told me she doesn't want to lose Damian, she works for his company as an accountant so obviously she doesn't want to lose her job also it's her only son.

Next weekend I would love to take you on a date, we're do you want to go
Maybe the arcade then we eat somewhere. I know you'll love the arcade I go with my family and me and my brother always compete with each other.

I'm surprised your into those stuff. I thought it's a fancy dinner or cinema.
Nathaniel who do think I am like those girls in school. And the arcade would be great for you because you can't sit still and you'll speak non stop.
Very true we both laugh.
So arcade date.
Yes big bear. We pecked each other on the lips

I need to go now.
No shorty.
He grips my hands and drags me to hug me tightly and kisses my face all over. He didn't care grandma and his dad was around so as Kathrine, I guess he wants to show how much he wants me.
Stacy please don't leave me in a whining tone.
Nathaniel stop acting like a sissy. He ignores him
I looked at Katherine she looked at me in disgust. Stacy I want to warn you not to tell anyone what happened, you want see Nathaniel again, Nathaniel said stop threatening Stacy,
Mind your words before I take you home with me.

Grandma was taking me home with Nathaniel.
I'm at the door way of my house Nathaniel hugs me and kisses me on the lips goodbye shorty I'll miss you
I'll miss you to, You can keep my bunny for comfort like I'm here.

Stacy how was your stay at his house it was good. What is he going through.
He hasn't told me anything, it's not serious anyway but can he live with us.
Both my parents say no, no boys allowed were would he even sleep.
In my room
No way!!
It's not like we are going to do anything. I've been sleeping in the bed with him.
Still no.
agh whatever he really needs me.
You are to young.
Anyway he's taking me on a date on Saturday.
Do you know his grandma has been in contact with us and showed a picture with you two. he looks like he's a player and a thug.
He's none of those he loves me very much.
This teenage love won't last long don't get your hopes up.
We will see.

I've been getting ready for the date putting on my outfit and make up.

Saturday I've been getting ready for the date putting on my outfit and make up

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All throughout the school week he has been ok he would have his outburst. When I was not in one of the lessons I heard him scream I want Stacy (everyone did). Nathaniel just barged into my class and grabbed my hand for us to go to the quiet room. When I was with him, he'd always calmed down. The teachers has realised this and whenever he's in the same lesson as me they allow him to sit next to me, if not in the same lesson as me he just comes in my class or takes me out. That means I miss out in my lesson so the teachers gives me work. At least he makes it up to me with FaceTime calls to help me he's really smart although he's the most disruptive he's one of the top students. I've been angry at him a few times because it's GCSE year and it's really important.

Shorty is that you.
Yes big bear I say in confusion.
O my goodness you look so sexy, I've never seen you in makeup before and that curly hair really suits you princess.
Thanks big bear you look handsome to. We both hug then walk to the arcade. When we're inside Nathaniel ran like a child to the motorbikes.
Here Stacy here this is my favourite game.
I shake my head in laughter. I was about to win but he did.
Then we play a couple of games.
When he saw he could win a teddy if you get a certain amount of points for throwing a basket  hoop.
I can easily get you that teddy.
He misses the second time.
Nathaniel that's enough now I don't really need a teddy.
No matter how many times I lose I'll get you that teddy.
On his fourth try he finally wins, we both celebrate. And I chose a pink monkey.
Overall we took a lot of photos and he asks me if I want him post it on his instagram. I accept that.
When we left the arcade he gave me a piggyback ride to the restaurant which was a five minute walk.
Is that how you see things from your perspective I feel like I can see the world.
He just couldn't stop laughing at me.
We arrived at Frankie and benny's, the server takes us to our table. I ordered double cheeseburger then he orders spaghetti bolognaise.

I can't wait to move out of ma's house and us two live with each other, it would be peace, no drama and stress free from all my problems.

I can't wait to it would be wonderful we won't see your dad and Katherine.

Stacy I've got something to tell you he opens his hands so I hold his hands across the table . Stacy ever since I layed my eyes on you I saw comfort and beauty not the type of beauty you think I'm talking about is that your understanding and your like my guardian angle, I know I can be a pain in the ass but your always here for me even if I'm a sensitive person you take care of me then instead say be a man or stop being crazy like people have been saying to me . And you don't take advantage of me like other girls did, they fooled me. Also you are my best friend, my number 1 and I would love more than that. So can you be my girlfriend Stacy.

Of course Nathaniel you've ruined my makeup now I leaned over and he kisses my on the lips. Why you looking at me like that I giggled.

I can't stop looking at you, I can't believe this is happening right now,this is best day of my life.
Me to big bear.

We are waiting for the bus now I'm sat on Nathaniel's lap while we are both on our phones, on instagram I've keep seeing my dms flooded with hate messages from the girls in my school. Saying go kill yourselves, he's with you because he feels sorry for you, he's mine. Amelia said always look behind, I've warned you many times, remember to watch out. I didn't want to tell Nathaniel because I'm afraid what he'll do I can only imagine the worst that police would come into school and take him away.

Nathaniel are you ok why you breathing like that.
Because your sat on my dick.
I quickly remove myself from his lap and said Omgosh! Sorry I didn't mean to.
Don't worry I know you didn't.
I was wondering I could feel something poke me I thought it was something in your pocket. We both giggled.
Why didn't you say something earlier I don't know how long it happened.
It was for a while you were distracted on your phone also errmmm because it felt nice.
O my days Nathaniel I covered my face with my hands.
Aww someone Is shy, he hugs me but seriously I'm not mad at you.

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