I love you

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I cried hysterically, shaking a lot I call Stacy I've noticed I've missed her phone call and message which I could've read but my head was banging.

"Hello big bear you doing fine". I heard cry's, he's not answering me."Where do you live". Still heard cries."give your phone to your grandma".

I walk downstairs to grandma with shortness of breath. I showed her my phone.

Hello this is Nathaniel's grandma.

Hello grandma I know you might not like this but Nathaniel needs me right now can I have your address i think I'll need to stay with him the whole night.

She's right I hate the idea but I need to do what's best for him. He's been talking about her all the time none stop, even mentioning her name makes him smile.

Ok darling.

Stacy's pov:
I knock on the door, his grandmother opened it rushing me to directed me to Nathaniel, I sit on coach pulls me to his lap. I hold his hands I could see cuts, it looks like it needs a cast on. He still cries unable to speak having shortness of breath also shaking. I Hugged him again,reassuring big bear. I told him to copy my breathing once he was gaining oxygen I told him to lay down on the couch and him to lay on top which he's does on my stomach.

 I told him to copy my breathing once he was gaining oxygen I told him to lay down on the couch and him to lay on top which he's does on my stomach

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I told him to breath in and practicing with him his breathing slows down. Big bears eyes are closed. I play with his hair I can hear his calm breathing while I tell him nothing but sweet words. Stroking his back up and down. I hear snoring then I kissed his forehead saying I love you bubba.

Throwback-Trigger Warning
Dad i don't want you to go to work I miss you a lot. Why do you always go, Please dad I miss you . I have to go sorry son it's important. When he left I hid in my walk in closet hiding in one of the cupboards . I hear my name faintly to loud closing my eyes tightly. I hear the wardrobe door open she flung me to the floor yelling you can't hide from me remember get on that bed now!!!. She does her usual stuff , then she wanted it to be physical, She lays down on her back while I was staring at Katherine, she smacked senses into me. IF YOU DON'T DO IT ILL TELL DAD YOU'VE BEEN DISRESPECTFUL TO ME, DO YOU HEAR ME!. I was still, still shaking .CARRY ON OR ILL TELL. And I did what I had to do. Thanks baby your a life saver your way better than your dad. She leaves my room while I cry, I was exhausted from it even when I couldn't do anymore she still wanted more and more.

I feel the coach shaking hey hey hey. s-oo-ory he cries uncontrollably I cuddle him while he's shaking in fear it's only a dream big bear I said calmly, breath in and out which calms him do you want to speak about it. He Shakes his head. Nathaniel tells his dreams and his life story about the abuse he's been through. He was struggling a lot because he would cry at some points but wants to tell me everything so I understand him I even cried most of the times aswell .When he was done we just cuddle in silence trying to sleep.

When he was done we just cuddle in silence trying to sleep

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