A Murder in The Plotting

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Tears blurred my vision as I ran through the sequoia forest, the ancient giants looming over me, shielding me from the cruel world. My breathing came out in ragged gasps as my heart pounded in my chests. I didn't know where I was going or why I was going there, I just ran. From whatever that happened moments ago. Or an hour ago, I wasn't keeping track. I wanted to forget it. No. I wanted to forget the whole month. The night, the wolf, the man... And that professor.

I hated him. I hated him with all my guts. I hated them all.

My feet stumbled upon exposed roots, my chest heaving with sobs, but I didn't stop. Not even when the woods started to close in on me, the trees becoming a maze of dark trunk and dense foliage. The stillness of the forest that was so comforting normally, now felt tyrannical, as though it was mocking me silently.

Pathetic. His voice echoed in my head, propelling the pain in my chest to a flaring intensity.

The frustration grew along with the unknown grief until the forest became a surreal blur of reds and greens. My shoe tangled with something, and I came face-first onto the ground. My legs ached, my lungs burned and my throat was hoarse from crying, but it was nothing compared to how it felt inside.

I curled up, wrapping my arms around myself, and let the sobs shamelessly disturb the tranquility of the ancient grove. I had never felt so small and insignificant before, never so pitiful and useless. Whatever he wanted to accomplish, he succeeded, and I had let him. Like a fool.

How did I not see it coming? The red flags were everywhere he stepped. Everytime he spoke. In each of those glares exclusive for me. He wanted me out of his class. But why? Why so much hatred toward a stranger? I had had my fare share of spiteful teachers before. Sure they hated me and other students, but they never acted so harshly and out of character.

What did I ever do to him?

I didn't know how long I stayed there or, how long I cried, but when my surroundings started to get clear, I realized I had somehow ended up in the ominous portion of the woods. Right where it all began. Pressed up against the same tree I was held captive against.

And that feeling... A shudder ran through me as the hairs at the back of my neck rose with the awareness of being watched. That heaviness in the air that almost made me kneel.

Rage burned through me, and I scrambled to my feet. Looking around, I glared at the bushes, at the thick trunks of the trees.

"I know you're here," I shouted. "Watching me cry like a creep." I spun in my heels, trying to get a glimpse of any movements. "Come out, you coward! Face me! Tell me what you did to me."

I stopped spinning when my head felt dizzy and leaned against a tree. "What's the matter? Are you afraid? Don't have the guts to show up when I'm not drunk and defenseless?"

A laugh resonated in the back of my head in pure mockery. Me? Lucid and able to defend myself? In my hungry and sleep-deprived state? Yeah, joke of the century. But I wasn't letting it know.

"You cowa-" A gasp cut through me as I retreated a few steps back. My demand was answered, and it wasn't anything pleasant.

The wolf. The giant, unnatural beast emerged from behind the thick trunk of a sequoia tree. Its red eyes scintillated like two pits of flaming wildfire as it stalked towards me, slow and feral; its dark ashen fur shimmering in the daylight. I hadn't noticed before, but a long, jagged scar ran right across one of its eyes, adding a menacing and deadly aura to the creature, making it appear even more fearsome, more intimidating.

It circled me, movements too fluid and graceful compared to its sheer size, exuding a sense of primal power. Pure muscles rippled beneath its sleek coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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