Chapter 5{ Entrance exam}

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Third person's pov

' Was all really real?,' The young man thought. 

" Yup, it is, Atsushi-kun!," The young man gasped at the sudden exclaimed and remembered everything that happened last night.

" Glad you're awake, Atushi-kun, Now eat up, you need to have the energy to pass the entrance exam," Eri said, placing the breakfast trey down.

" Entrance exam?," He asked, Eri then slap her palm to her mouth.

" Oh no, did I let it slip now?," She asked, pouring tea into his cup, " Here, drink up," She said.

" So, Eri-chan, how old were you when you were found by the agency?," Atsushi asked.

" Dazai-nii, brought me to the agency to find some help, I was on the edge of dying that time," She said.

" This ability of mine is dangerous," She said, pointing to her eye patch.

' Her ability?,' He thought.

" Anyway, hurry up!, we have to meet up with Dazai-nii!," She said. standing from her spot.

Eri's pov

" Eri-chan, do you mind using your ability while Kunikida uses his?," Dazai-nii asked.

" Could be, I just need time," I said. untying my eye patch.

" Ability: Blood art: Tentacles,"

' wow, Eri-chan sure is experience,' Atsushi thought, gasped at the sight of her bloody arm. he was about to jump to her.

" Don't, Eri-chan's ability, blood art, let's her control her blood, therefore, it is a strong ability," Dazai said to the young man.

The velvet tentacles easily captured Naomi, throwing her to Dazai and Atsushi's direction.

" Now, Kunikida-san!," I called out, quickly stitching my cup with my ability.

' Cool, it can be use as healing as well?,' Atsushi thought.

" Ability: Matchless Poet: Grabbling hock!,"  Kunikida ripped a page from the notebook, summoning a grabbling hock.

" Wha-," Shooting it towards the intruder.

Pulling the string, swinging it, finally defeating the opponent.

" Alright, now that's done," Dazai said and stood from his spot.

" No it's not, Where have you been Atsushi?," Kunikida asked the young man who stood from his spot as well.

I turned to the platinum haired male. ' He must be insecure to use his ability after what happened?,' I thought.

" Al-," It was then the intruder got a hold of Naomi again and tie her next to the bomb.

" Daza-nii, what-," Atsushi without any sign of hesitanting ran towards Naomi and untie her quickly before the bomb timer runs out.

" With this, I can at least have one of the detectives to be killed," The intruder said.

Atsushi gave Naomi to Dazai and saw the Timer was almost out.

" Atsushi-kun, get back here!," I called out.

The timer runs out already.

" Atsushi!,"

" Brat!,"

" Goodness, I knew he was an idiot but I never knew he would this much of an idiot," Kunikida said. to the boy who was unharmed.

" Did someone told him this is just an entrance exam," a young man with ginger hair said.

Junichiro Tanizaki

Ability: light snow

" Oh well," Dazai said.

I approached Atsushi's body and use my ability to poke his weak spots to spring him back to reality.

" Eri-chan!, What happened?!," Atsushi asked.

" You passed out and just what you pass the exam!," I said with glee and clapped my hands.

" So, this is all the entrance exam you said?, Eri-chan," He asked.

" That's correct," An unknowned man's voice was heard from the hallway.

" The exam was a success, Director," A young woman's voice could be heard as well.

" As from what Dazai had told me, the young man had potential," He said, an older looking man with long sliver hair, wearing the japanese green yukata and haori over his shoulders.

Fukuzawa Yukichi

Ability: All men are created equal

" Fukuzawa-san!," I ran to his side and lift his palm over my head, He chuckled and gave me a head pat.

" What will it be, Director?," Dazai asked.

" I will leave the decision to you, Dazai," Fukuzawa said, leaving the room.

" Alright, then, Atsushi-kun, now that you are an official member, you will be assisting us in our reports. Starting now! Dazai said.

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