Dark era{1}

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Third person's pov

Eri's age: 8 years old

Odasaku, Dazai and Ango, sitting at a bar, chatting like there's no tomorrow. The door of the bar opened.

" Hmm, Eri-chan, What brings you here, children aren't supposed to be here, you know," Odasaku said.

" I know, Odasaku-san, Mori-san wants you to be in his office," She said.

" Alright, alright, How did you even find me here?," Odasaku asked.

" Because I brought her here, idiot," The ginger haired male said and step behind her.

" hmm~~Chuuya you're here too?, alright I think i really am requested to be at the main building," Odasaku said and rise from his seat.

Eri escorted Odasaku to the mafia headquarters, Mori's office.

" You do know a lower class could never enter the mafia headquarters, What do you think I'm allowed to be here?," Odasaku asked.

" Because mori-san said for you to be here," Eri said and pass through the guards.

The last guards, guarding the boss's office.

" I'm here to see the mafia boss, He grant me permission to bring this man here," Eri said and let them in.

" Elise-chan~~~please wear this!," The older man whined.

" Nope!, Not wearing it!," The little blonde haired girl said.

" Please~~~I pick this from the tailor carefully, look at this little puff sleeves, like little flower, it will suit you perfectly!," Mori said with light blush on his cheeks.

" I don't like to wear nice dresses, Rintaro should know that," Elise said.

" Boss, You summonded me here," Odasaku said.

The two turned and Mori sealed the big glass window and made Elise dissapear.

" Alright, Oda-kun, You didn't see anything, alright?," Mori was possessive over Elise and Eri.

" Yes, I didn't see anything, Boss, You should not let your daughter pick me out," Odasaku said and turns his attention to Eri who was beside him.

" I've always have my executives with her, why?, Was she hurt?," Mori asked.

" No, Mori-san I'm fine," Eri said.

" Eri-chan~~~how many times do I have to tell you to call me papa or dad!," Mori whined.

Eri blushed and turned away, " I'm still adjusting," She said.

" Alright, back to the business, Port Mafia's intelligent agent, Ango sakagochi, find him," Mori said in a firm tone.

' Ango-san?,' Eri thought.

" he dissapear last night and haven't returned, retrieve him and find his intellect, you may give orders to the executive," Mori said.

" You are close to Dazai-kun, right, Contact him and all will be well," He said.

Oda nodded and turned revealing guns behind his back.

" Oda-kun......never mind, go, I expect great news," Mori said leaning into his backhand.

Eri stayed at the office.

" Now what?," She asked.

" How Would a tea time would?, We haven't spend time together in a while," Mori said and stood from his seat.

" I would like that," Eri said and smiled gently.

Little heart ( Bsd Port mafia x child)fanficWhere stories live. Discover now