Ellie: Yeah. Fuck. Where is everyone? They put up this sign

Tom: There's gotta be a way in

He hops off Noel and looks through a FEDRA bungalow, but it's already been picked over except for a paper with the infected stages

Ellie: Anything good?

Tom: Nah. Just a paper with infected stages

They roam further finding corpses as Tommy stays on the ground with his rifle

Ellie: These were soldiers from the QZ. See the FEDRA uniforms?

Tom:(gasps) Holmes! We've done it!

Ellie:(smiles) Okay, don't be like that

Tom:(chuckles) Only joking, honey. But yes, I see the uniforms

Ellie: Think it was the WLF?

Tom: Only assholes, that'd pull shit likes this. Left their bodies here like a warning

Ellie: That's fucked

Tom: It's what the Fireflies did

Ellie nods and looks up to see cracks in the checkpoint wall up top, indicating a way over

Ellie: Maybe we can get in through those. See it?

Tom: Yeah. Just need a way up there

He looks around to find holding cells that provide a way up the catwalk

Tom: Ah, there we are. C'mon, my love

Ellie follows after Tommy and they climb up the holding cells to see a half broken ladder

Tom: Okay, c'mere

He gets into a boosting position for Ellie and she grabs onto the ladder

Ellie: Okay

She climbs up and Tommy whistles in approval

Tom: I am a VERY lucky man, Ellie

Ellie: What?

Tom: The view

Ellie: Oh

She giggles and reaches the top as Tommy hops back down

Ellie: Now you'll catch me, right?!

Tom: Of course, Ellie!

Ellie: Okay! 

She reaches a open leap and Tommy encourages her

Tom: Okay, just don't think, just do

Ellie: Okay...

She leaps and almost falls from the platform. Tommy gasps and quickly gets under her

Tom: ELLIE?!

Ellie: I'm okay! I'm okay!

Tom: Fuuuck

Ellie: I'm okay, Tommy

Tom: I know... Just... Just be careful! I love you!

Ellie: I love you, too! Okay, over I go!

Tommy sticks with Noel at the first gate as they hear something open. Ellie approaches Tommy back at the first gate and looks out the lookout slot

Tom: Hellooo

Ellie:(giggles) You're so cute

Tom: Everything alright, there?

Ellie: Yeah. Got that gate open. I gotta figure out this one now. I electrocuted myself, though

She said sticking her hand through the slot and Tommy takes it to see a tiny burn mark

Tom: Oh, no

Ellie: Yeah, but it's okay

Tommy kisses and rubs her hand

Tom: That better?

Ellie: Yes, thank you

She said with a smile and Tommy lets go of her hand

Tom: Okay. Well, keep up the good work

He said putting two thumbs up making Ellie smile

Ellie: Such a dork

She heads off and opens up the gate for Noel and Tommy, who rides the horse in but as they enter the gate drops back down, kicking up a ton of dust as Ellie runs out in worry

Ellie: Are you okay?!

Tom: Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. My lungs aren't though

He coughs as Ellie brings him down to kiss her

Ellie: Thank God

Tom:(smiles) C'mon, I'm sure they heard that

He helps her up onto Noel and she hugs him

Ellie: I'm happy you're doing better

Tom: Yeah... me too. Just I don't have the luxury right now to grieve

Ellie: I know. Just... talk to me, if you need anything, okay?

Tom: Of course

She smiles as Tommy boops her nose

Tom: So, what'd you find?

Ellie: Found a note back there... It had some codes on it. Says there's a WLF safehouse at someplace called "Serevena Base"

Tom: Least it's something. Hopefully find our first WLF

They ride for a bit until coming up on another gate to which they find the WLF safehouse

Ellie: Oh shit, look! Serevena Hotel

Tom: I see it... kind of

Ellie nods and they look at the gate

Tom: Now we just gotta find a way past this "Fuck" FEDRA gate... creative

They move towards the gate code pad

Tom: Uh, know the code?

Ellie: The note I found had a bunch of 'em. But it needs power

Tom: Well, let's give it power

Tommy tries the generator, but there's no gas

Tom: Fuck!

He kicks it and looks to Ellie, who looks at him worriedly

Tom: It's outta gas

Ellie: Well, shit. Wait! The Note!

Tom: Hm?

Ellie: The note mentioned that there's gas in the courthouse and the... "the dome"

Tom: Yes! Oh, I love you

Ellie: I know, I'm the best

Tom: Okay, courthouse garage and the dome. Let's ride around and find them...

Ellie: Let's do it...


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