- How Low (PT.1/2)

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As requested: @the1andonly_val
Not proofread or edited.

Rainy nights were the best.

Cool breeze, the raindrops falling into the roofing, the slight thunder that comes and goes—it's great!

That is at least when you don't have a fully grown man attached to you refusing to let go, "Kenny can you please let me go? Your quite heavy." It's absolutely unbelievable that such a terrifying man would be scared of rainy nights.

"Y/N you promised." He huffed out squeezing ankles tighter each time you turn. After so many years with Kenpachi it still baffles you the way he acts like a spoiled child at times, it's funny really every time he tries to give you puppy eyes but he looks as if he's holding in a fart.

"Okay okay okay hold on for a minute..." your tried twisting your body to face him but he refused to allow you any space. "Can I turn at least?" You asked petting his tied up hair.

Dark Hot eyes stared at you as if contemplating your words before he released his grip on you finally allowing you to lay on your back, it was quite uncomfortable having him stuck to you especially since you wore longer clothing to bed.

You felt the beads of sweat drip down your back all the way down to your underwear where it was absorbed by the cotton material.

A sigh fell out your mouth as you felt even more beads of sweat drip down almost every crevice on your body. You gave kenpachi a hesitant look, you wanted to take the layers off but it's quite difficult with him attached to you. Even after all these years together he's only seen you without clothing a handful of times.

"Ken...I'm hot..." you said glancing into his eyes, "can you...u-um leave?" Your voice fading out towards the end of the question seeing the burly man approaching you as though you were his prey.

"Y/N—my beautiful Y/N, there's no reason to be shy. Just take it off." She said the corner of his lips twitching as his eyes continued to observe your shrinking stature.

It was embarrassing having the man stare at you while changing, especially since he keeps staring at you as if he's about to eat you alive. You hesitantly glanced at him once more before turning to change into a loose T-shirt.

You unbuttoned the pajama top leaving you in only a pair of shorts, your immediately felt the cool air blow past you cooling your overheating body down.

"Ah~" a small moan slipped out of your lips as your nipples began to harden from the cool air, they became increasingly hard causing a slight pulsating pain to travel through you.

This pain caused sweet liquid to leak into your underwear. In embarrassment you quickly pulled the shirt over your head and took your shirts off. A wet spot was obvious on the underwear causing you to become even more embarrassed, thankfully the shirt was large enough to reach you mid thigh covering the embarrassing spot.

During this time you knew that Kenpachi was watching and had definitely noticed the wet spot.

You turned to face him your embarrassment becoming even more obvious, "I'm done." You whispered walking back to your side of the bed.

A warm feeling on your arm caused you to stop turning to face the man. "Y/N, don't you think it's about time?" He asked, his voice deepened.

You knew exactly what he was asking about, your first time.


That pulsating pain since again ran through your nipples as they were exposed to the cool air, you were nervous yet excited to finally feel connected to the man. The once wet spot on your cotton underwear grew larger as Kenpachi caressed your body.

His hands ran from your face down to the soles of your feet, behind each touch followed a soft kiss or painful bite, the man's large hands caressed your pelvis combing increasingly close to your pussy.

"Ah~ Ken please!" You begged as he teased you continuously, his mouth hovering over your perked nipples, you felt his warm breath so close to your nipples making you go crazy in need. It was agonizing how slow his movements were, to the point where you felt as if you were going to burst into flames.

No one's ever made you feel this way before—in fact no one's ever touched you this way before.

Shivers racked through your body at the warm feeling of his mouth enveloping your nipple, the way his tongue swirled around it caused you to moan out loud in pleasure, your already sensitive body began to squirm, his hand that was trailing up your sides; slithered into your soaked underwear.

With his hands prodding against your ass and his mouth occupied by your breast, you found yourself wanting more. It was all too much for you to handle.

"Please Ken—touch-h me..." your voice cracked, if you thought this was going to get you what you wanted...you were correct.

His eyes glanced at you for a moment, fire blazing within his hot gaze. "Tell me what you want." He whispered in your ear, his lips were so close you felt his breathing speed up from your words.

"Make me yours."

Those words were all it took for him to tear your underwear off and spread your legs open. The cool breeze was in no way helpful in quenching the heat spreading between you both.

Looking at your leaking pussy he groaned in disbelief at how wet you were. He was by no means a saint and had been with a few women in the past—but you were something different. Just the sight of your face aroused him to no end.

Pushing your legs back so that t your knees touch your torso, he ran his fingers lightly over your entrance, the warm juices spreading up to your puffed clit.

He dipped his index finger into your tight cave, being met with resistance. How could you be this tight?

Realizing just how difficult it will be for him to squeeze his dick into you he applied a bit more pressure at your entrance finally pushing through.

Your insides clenched at the unfamiliar feeling of being invaded. "Relax.." he whispered in your ear placing a feathered kiss on your temple.

Letting out a deep breath, the feeling of suffocation disappeared around his fingers making it much easier for him to move.
He slowly began to pump his index finger into you, causing you to moan out at the feeling. It was weirdly pleasurable.

He added another finger slightly speeding up his actions while placing hot kisses on your chest, he could feel you slipping deeper into the pleasure as he grazed against that spongy spot inside you making you scream in pleasure while he assaulted that spot. Your back arching deeper off the bed while drool seeped out your mouth.

You were so close.

A single flick of your clit was all it took for you to cum on his fingers.

Trying hard to catch your breath after your first orgasm proved futile.

Especially since Kenpachi looked like he wanted to swallow you up.

"Don't pass out on me. We're far from over."

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