- On The Low

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Ichigo was someone you considered a close friend.

You moved to Japan ten years ago since then he has been one of your closest friends. As of late, he started becoming more and more distant.

There were times you went to his house to hang out with him and he won't be there or even if he was you were pushed aside as he went out with Orihime, Chad, and Uryu.

Understandably, he would want new friends but for him to just push you aside like this hurt.

Today was no different you were on your way over to his house to see if he wanted to go watch a movie. The streets were kind of bare especially for the time of day it is.

Arriving at Ichigo's house you knocked at the door waiting patiently for any of the Kurosaki's to answer.

Just when you were about to knock again the door was opened by Karin.

"Oh [Y/N]! What're you doing here didn't you go with Ichigo and the others to the movies?"

"Huh? No, I came to ask Ichigo if he wanted to go see the new movie with me...but I guess he went and saw it with the others," you said feeling your heart crack even more.

You brushed off your hurt and instead placed a smile on your face thanking Karin, you decided that you would go home and read jump instead.

"Thanks, Karin see you later!"

"Wait! [Y/N] why don't you come in and play with Yuzu and I?"

That's how you found yourself having a tea party in Yuzu's room for the past hour.

It was late at night now and Ichigo still hasn't returned. You were slightly worried but knew there was nothing you could do.

"It's late I should head home now, that's for inviting me, Karin and Yuzu!"

Stepping into the hall you crashed into a hard surface causing you to lose your balance.

"Oh! [Y/N], are you heading home?"

"Ah—Yes Mr. Kurosaki it's getting late I should be heading out soon. It's a far walk." You said avoiding eye contact with the burly man.

"Oh well let me drop you home, a lot has been going on these days, I wouldn't want you getting hurt." He replied slipping his arm around your waist.

A few minutes later you found yourself in his van on the way to your house, his fingers subtly trailing up your thigh kneading the flesh.

"Thanks for playing with the girls today, even if it wasn't what you came for I appreciate it nonetheless."

"It was nothing Isshin, you know I love the girls like if they were my own. Sorry for not coming to see you earlier, I got a little sidetracked," you said relaxing into your seat.

"It's okay, I get to have you all to myself tonight."

You've been in a relationship with Isshin for the past year, you haven't told anyone just keeping it between yourselves.

Sooner or later you know that you'll have to come out and tell Ichigo and the others but right now you just wanted to enjoy the time you have with just you two.

It's these moments that bring you the most joy.

It's these moments that bring you the most joy

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