Chapter 36: Unfortunately, Huo Junxian did not push the person away either

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Huo Junxian shakes her head, indicating she hasn't.

"A few days ago, Gu Siyu, who ate with us, seems to have fought with someone at the airport today. She kicked two men down the stairs while boarding," Duan Jiayang says, "It caused quite a stir. It became a hot topic on social media at three o'clock this afternoon."

"Oh?" Huo Junxian's eyebrows move slightly, turning her head to look at her with curiosity. "I haven't seen this news."

Duang Jiayang twirled the rose in her hand and said, "After she hit someone, she didn't run away. Instead, she turned and went to the race track, where the motorcycle race was being held. There were a lot of media and internet celebrities over there recently. She had cursed Jin Yuansen in front of the media, saying that he was a stupid idiot who cheated on his wife, took her money, and was a scumbag. She called him a nouveau riche loser and said he had no face to blame others and even pushed the blame onto a woman. After cursing him, she rode off on her motorcycle. Many media and netizens were camping out at the race track, and when the incident happened, Jin Yuansen immediately became a hot topic."

Huo Junxian listened silently, checking her phone screen. It showed a photo of Teddy wearing a black helmet and squatting next to the motorcycle, looking foolish.

She hadn't seen the video of the airport fight because she was boarding the plane. Many people turned off their phones early for safety reasons.

However, they did capture footage of Gu Siyu cursing someone at the race track and then racing off.

Gu Siyu's motorcycle sped through the race track, slowed down a bit when she left, seemingly avoiding pedestrians. Several cars followed her from behind, all speeding. She didn't wear a helmet, only a windshield, and looked up at the traffic light. She drove through on the last few seconds of the green light, and several cars behind her even tried to run the red light, only to be stopped by traffic police. Soon, Gu Siyu's motorcycle disappeared from the camera, getting farther and farther away. The flower shirt on her fluttered in the wind, like a butterfly.

"Siyu is just like that. Not very stable. She probably did this because Jin Yuansen had been making her take the blame lately, and she has been criticized by netizens for a long time. She didn't say anything on the surface, but she's been holding a grudge. Now that the opportunity is right, she'll make trouble for Jin Yuansen and make him suffer," said Duang Jiayang. "She'll hurt herself by eight hundred to make sure the other party loses a thousand."

"You seem to know her well," Huo Junxian said, exiting the video. The video of Gu Siyu cursing someone was probably deleted by the public relations department. She couldn't find it after searching for a while. Instead, several internet celebrities were cursing, saying that their live broadcast rooms had been blocked, and capital was shameless.

There were all sorts of monsters and demons on the internet, and even those who cursed others were afraid of being cursed. They pretended to be righteous and spoke of the big fifty boards. But cursing Gu Siyu was especially severe, with accusations of being a gold-digger and selling herself to climb up the social ladder.

The most common comment was: "It's just that the capitalists didn't give enough money."

These people are quite foolish and short-sighted. They don't know anything and just sit behind their screens pointing fingers. Gu Siyu obviously embezzled three hundred million and ruined the reputation of the capitalists.

"Well, her nature is not bad, but when someone bullies her, she becomes very vicious." When Duan Jiayang talked, she looked at Huo Junxian with a faint expression, and it was hard to tell what she was feeling.

"Are you saying you're like her?" Huo Junxian looked at her.

"No, I don't have her freedom. I'm just a little envious that she can do whatever she wants and vent her frustrations."

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