Take me home... again

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The sweet smell of his cologne intoxicated me as I watched how he drove effortlessly around the windy bends that connected to my house. I placed both of my hands on my lap cupping each other as I twiddled my thumbs that were chipped and worn with a week old pink nail varnish. I looked at him once again, the way he tenses his jaw, the smile that could safely save me from a world of pain. I just smiled whenever he was around, I couldn't help it he made me feel somewhat complete.

"You know, I was always told that it's rude to stare" he spoke suddenly, I looked at him once again "Oh, I wasn't staring, I was just simply admiring you from afar" I spoke back. I caught myself of guard with this comment but it just came out of my mouth and there wasn't any stopping it.

He sighed and his face turned serious for a minute. I don't think I have seen this face before. It's like he had a million questions but only a short time to ask them all.

"Can I ask why you were in such a panic?" he began. I shifted in my seat now feeling uncomfortable. I felt this conversation topic was hard to talk about, unpredictable almost. But he knew that. He wants answers, then again so would I. So I hesitantly nodded and he continued. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry I just want to make sure you are okay" I felt a sigh of relief as I felt like I could finally explain and give him the answers he deserves.

I took a deep breath and held onto my necklace, "I had a family", I began, "The kind of family every person could only dream of having, it was me, my mum, my sister Cara and my dad. We were the happiest people in the world" I looked back at him as I spoke, he nodded along and listened with intent so I continued "one night when I was 16 Cara got in trouble at school, she had bunked off with her friends for the day and my parents found out, they were so mad at her when she came home, they grounded her and refused to let her out for her friends birthday party, she was 18 at the time. She snuck into my room that night, dressed up looking beautiful as always when she asked if I would cover for her. I wanted to help because I knew she would have done the same for me. I distracted my mum and dad as she left the house and I went back upstairs. I was woken up by my mum shouting at around midnight, she had gone in to check on Cara and she wasn't there, my mum begged me to tell my dad and her where she was and it took some convincing but I told them, they didn't know where her friend lived and I had only been there twice so I didn't know the address but I knew how to get there. My mum stayed home because she was far to angry to be sat in the car with Cara. Me and my dad set off to her friends house, when we got there everyone at the party was pretty drunk, it was so crowded but out of pure luck we found Cara on the side of the road near the party, my dad forced her into the front seat of the car so he could speak to her. I sat in the back twiddling my thumbs not knowing what to say. My dad was yelling so loud and the rain was so heavy on the windshield that he didn't notice the truck coming from in front. I screamed for him to turn the wheel but it was too late, I was put in a coma and woke up six weeks later without a dad and a sister, I woke up with that being the last thing I remembered. But for some reason I had her necklace on, Cara's special beautiful necklace." I hadn't realised but I was already home, the car had been pulled over for quite sometime. I looked at the floor and I clutched onto my necklace. "If it wasn't for me letting her leave..." before I could finish that sentence Theo pulled me into his warm embrace and I just broke. Every emotion came back to me all at once as I held onto this man for dear life.

"Don't finish that sentence, it was not your fault" his words seemed to heal me as I pulled away slightly to look at him in the eyes, "please don't leave me alone" I spoke before my brain could tell me not to. But it had already been said. His response surprised me "Never" he pulled me back into him, closer this time and I just remember feeling that I never wanted to let go.

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