The drive

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He leaned over towards me, he was so close I could smell his aftershave on his strong broad neck, the veins in his hand stuck out as he tensed his arm. He looked at me with a mischievous grin as he lifted his hand near my leg. I froze. I wasn't scared of him, I was nervous I had never even kissed a boy before and now I have all of these feelings. I took a deep breath and gulped as I sunk into the chair. He leaned forward even more, so close I could smell his minty breath from where I was sat. I turned my head to face him as he looked me in my eyes for the first time. In one swift movement he grabbed the glove compartment from opposite me and pulled out a tissue, after this he shut it and moved back to his seat. I was in shock, or maybe it was disappointment, I couldn't tell. But all I knew was that he was the most attractive man I have ever seen in my life. He put the key in his ignition and stated the car.

A couple minutes had passed and silence echoed around the car, that was until he broke the deafening silence. "Clementine?" He questioned

"Ye-ss.." I replied, unsure of how to act. I tripped over my word and I think he could tell.

"Do your parents know where you are?" As he said this he looked over to me while having one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear stick, he looked somewhat concerned but I guess that's apart of the job right?.

I fiddled with my jumper strings as I twisted them around my dainty fingers, i bit the side of my lip and began to tell him the worst part of my life. "My dad and sister passed away a few years ago and my mum is always away on business, so no" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry" he spoke sincerely, it almost made me forget what a dick he was earlier.

"That's okay" I whispered, I felt uncomfortable to say the least, I've never even said it out loud before and now I'm telling him?

He frowned at me as he took not so subtle glances in my direction. I looked at his bloody nose and shook, I can't believe I did that to him, I wanted to change the subject.

"I am so sorry about your nose" I managed to conjure up what was left of my voice to say that.

"It's okay, I never liked it anyway". I looked at him in disbelief as he joked about me punching him, that was until a smile formed on my lips and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"My mum has a medical kit in the house in case of emergency's if I could clean it for you?" I turned my head to look at him but his eyes were in the road now, not on me.

My mum is a doctor and she taught me everything there is to know about a medical emergency. Not the big stuff obviously, but at least I know the basics of broken bones. I was no expert but then again I never claimed to be.

"Do you know what to do?" He asked hesitantly and I realised this was the first time that I had seen him slightly worried.

I nodded my head "I hope so" I said with a slight giggle and change in attitude.

He looked at me judgtngly, awaiting for confirmation that I wasn't going to mess his nose up anymore.

"I'm kidding of course I do" I winked at him and he flashed me a clean smile.

He pulled up to my house and I invited him in. He very hesitantly agreed, he never said 'yes' but he nodded so that was enough for me. He held the bloody tissue back up to his nose as he opened his door, I picked up my bag but before I got the chance to open my door for myself he had already taken the liberty to do that for me. I was surprised that after I hurt him he still wanted to look after me in a way. I pulled the keys out of my bag as they jingled around and he walked slowly behind me up the pebble steps to my house. I could feel how nervous he was, or was that just me?

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