c o l l i s i o n

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2 months later

sat in front of a brightly lit mirror, the boy on his phone hummed random notes as people swarmed all around him, doing his hair and makeup.

it was another day of sun as the sweater weather neared its end, allowing for warmer surroundings and he sure could feel it in his bones. the chills from winter evaded and he liked how lukewarm everything felt against his skin. the season earlier had been so excruciatingly cold for him but fortunately things were changing. he could feel this was the beginning of a new era, a new chapter in his life and he was ready to embrace it.

he thanked the staff around him and bounced out of his seat, a little too happy with the change in the climate as he made his way to studio 8. numerous smiles greeted him on the way, each receiving an equally cordial one in response as he entered the studio and was more than elated to see familiar figures gathered around.

his eyes met all of theirs, one by one, adoring how they gleamed with joy until they landed on a pair of feline ones. in an instant, he felt ripped off of the warmth that once enveloped him, a cold shiver running down his spine instead. not even a microsecond in, and a single eye contact felt like a blow to his heart leading to the emergence of emotions he thought he'd moved past.

well shit, this wasn't part of the plan.

♬♩♪♩ ♫ ♩♪♩♬

it was comeback season at JYP as the eight boys returned to the company after their break.

they'd had the last month off to rest before they picked up with their group activities again. all the boys went back home to spend time with their families with the exception of 3racha. they stayed at the company to work on a Japanese album set to be released right after their break ended.

it was tough, staying away from home and working alone without the eight of them being together. but to the youngest of the trio it was a blessing for he really needed a break, a break from Lee Minho.

the one month after that night was dreadful for Jisung. constantly being around the reason for his heart ache made the air he respired so much heavier. whenever he stood beside the other to address fans he could feel his chest sinking into an endless void. as if that wasn't bad enough, the pretense their relationship had been degraded to physically pained the younger. why did it have to come to this? 

in all honesty he wasn't even sure what he felt. was it sadness? heartbreak? rejection? anger? frustration?

a bit of all.

some nights he would wake up to a pool of tears decorating his pillow, repenting and lamenting the friendship he lost. on others, he found himself trapped in insomniac episodes, pining for the fulfilment of his unrequited love.

most of the days though, what occupied his mind was resentment. he repented any second he spent with the elder, deeming it all wasteful and meaningless. all Minho had been doing this entire time was leading him on a path that went nowhere. he was being toyed with, his feelings being mere playthings to him, and like a fool wherever the other strayed, he followed.

he despised the elder and was deeply disappointed in him. how could a person, formerly his best friend, turn out to be so unbelievably cruel? how could he lie to him for so long? making him dream of things that he knew weren't real.

or maybe it had been his own mind playing evil tricks with him all this while, making him believe that his feelings were reciprocated. he was convinced what they shared was special, above and beyond anything they'd ever experienced before but alas, that was all his misconception. he had read the situation drastically wrong and it resulted in catastrophic consequences.

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