13 || You Wanna be Normal?

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She removed herself from the kitchen and urged herself to go see Leonardo in his room. She knocked on the nearest flat surface to notify him of her presence and saw that he acknowledged her. "Bad time?" She asked him.

Leo shook his head, closing the book gently. "No, you're fine." He smirked at her, watching Y/n coming to sit on the bed with him. "I wanna apologize for the way I acted on the plane."

Y/n gazed downward, nodding at his apology as a way of accepting it. "I understand you're all under a lot of pressure with these henchmen, Leo." She took a slight pause. "But you can't degrade your brothers' interests and blame them for not picking up slack. Even me, I did my best."

Leonardo agreed with her. For a long time, Leo would deride his brothers for not thinking the same, but like what Splinter had said earlier, they Brothers must work together as a team with different points of views. Soon, he'll understand that. He pats Y/n shoulder. "Thank you. And you did do a great job. You should give yourself some credit for that. I mean... You have these abilities--ones we don't know how you took hold of."

Y/n chuckled, hearing footsteps coming into Leo's area. It's Donnie and Mikey. "Yeah, I'm eager to see what these powers of yours can do, Y/n." Donnie commented.

Mikey giggled with excitement. "Yeah! You'll be twice the Airbender!"

"Airbender." She chuckled, suddenly hearing Raphael speak.

"Whatever happens, Y/n." He said. "We'll have your back."

She was really touched by their support. Y/n was really touched by (Turtle Name), the turtle she has crushed on for a while and hopes to tell him how she feel about him. For now, all she could do was appreciate them. "Thank you, guys."

"No problem." Leo replied, sharing the moment with his friend and brothers. They believed they would get a few more minutes of bonding after a tough argument on the plane from Brazil, but the surface was beginning to rumble and send great vibrations to the sewers, concerning the mutants and Y/n. Dust and pieces of concrete had fallen from the ceiling and pipes and eventually, they meet up next to Donnie's monitor wall to see what is causing the damage up above.

"Donnie," Y/n whimpered his name. "What's happening out there?"

The nerd of the mutants was just as curious to figure out these strange noises and earthquake like rumbles. He rushed to the computer and got a face full of abnormalities in the sky above the city. "Oh my gosh." He says faintly. "Shredder did it. The portal is opening."

Y/n came next to the screens to get a closer look, finding it difficult to comprehend that there were tons of illuminating blue clusters of clouds, odd waves of lightning and massive booms. How were the Brothers going to save the city? "What's the plan? You've all been exposed already and the police are looking for you...possibly me."

"Uh, good question." Says Mikey, watching Donatello take a seat in his chair to pinpoint the boss of this alien event.

"Oh, wow!" He exclaimed, typing on his keyboard aggressively. "Amazing. This--This alien warship is coming through piece by piece." He was very interested in this, even when it has danger on the side of the plate. "Hacking into the main data core... Okay, the ship's designate is the Technodrome. Commanding Officer goes by the name of Krang." He turned in his seat, noticing all of the reactions from his siblings and Y/n.

"Krang? The dude is crazy. I hate him already." Mikey said, staring at the screens.

"If Krang were to finish building this thing, it wouldn't just be a ship. It would be a war machine that would end all life here. It would be the end of the world." Donnie said, realizing that one of his greatest fears is becoming a reality. "But there is something we can do."

"Then spill your guts, man!" Y/n said.

Don smiled widely at her. "Look, the atmosphere around that Technodrome would be toxic anybody with a standard cardiovascular system."

Leo isn't catching on to the smart talk. "What are you saying?"

"We may be the only ones who can survive around that portal, the only ones who can get close enough to this Technodrome and shut it down." Donnie explained aloud.

Y/n scoffed at that idea. They can't even go outside without being seen. "How do you expect us to go out there? We're being hunted!" Never in their lives, they thought they would have to face something this urgent. It's Shredder and his crazy ideas yet again. There are going to be erratic times when it comes to saving the world and this is part of it. Y/n continues. "We step out there, all of you might get shot on point for your appearance. Me? I'll be in prison forever. Or worse... experimented."

"Yeah." Raph adds. "We need the cops at our backs. They are trying to lock us up. Whatever this Krang thing is, he needs to be stopped and if the law is trying to take us away, the world is done for."

It was quiet for a moment... Until Donnie had one of his ridiculous ideas. Pushing his glasses up, he had a plan that could work but it's a very difficult choice. He licked his lips just thinking about this idea. "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Leo steps closer.

Donatello gets out of his chair and rushes to his wall near his bed. He typed in the number code to unlock the precious ooze that sleeps behind it. The turtle holds up the glowing purple canister in his hand, explaining what will happen. "All we need to do is take one sip. We stay the same on the inside, and look like humans on the outside."

"Lay this out." Said Y/n. "Donnie said we are probably the only ones who can stop Krang's dumb marble ship. Then he sets out purple ooze for y'all to change human. Meaning you won't be able to stop Krang. So, why is this even an option?"

"It's just a choice." Leo said. "A-A choice that needs to be made up quickly."

Mikey and Raph glared at the chance of being normal-- this means so much to them. This is their chance to take the road to a human life, or leave it behind and keep what they got. Donnie hands it to Leo, then Splinter walks in to speak his piece.

"Your boy is drawing to an end. You are becoming young men. The choice is yours." Splinter's hands behind his back, watching the mutants think over quickly.

"What about Y/n?" Mikey asked. "Purple ooze could make her--"

"Part of the animal kingdom." Donnie finished.

She quickly shook her head, denying that she wants this. Y/n already possess elemental powers and would rather use those to defeat Krang. "No, guys. This isn't about me. It's about you." Y/n says. "As much as I'd like to become a (favorite animal), I must remain the way I am to help you."

Leonardo understood where she was coming from. "... I'll do whatever you guys say. It's your call."

Without a second thought, Raphael grabs the canister from Leo and he could feel his hands shake uncontrollably. He stared at the ooze, glowing in his palms brightly and radiating a beautiful beam of light on his face. It looked like an undiscovered galaxy in space, something fun to play with.

"Raph?" Y/n says quietly. "What are you doing?"

"Making the choice." He whispers. What he did next put everybody on edge because he unscrewed the cap of the canister.

Y/n held her breath before saying, "Raph, you do this, you'll never go back. Not unless we can reverse it."

"I know." He replied.

"Is this what you want? To be normal? Just in case you didn't catch on, you'll never be the way you are if you drink this." Y/n touched his forearm, bringing him a sense of comfort and a small reality check. She could feel his tough textured skin, the firm surface of his tone muscles that would nearly make her swoon.

Raph wanted this so much, but he cannot bear the thought to be a human. He raised the canister above his head and faces the furthest wall and chucked the purple canister across the room. Then, then liquid and glass shatter and splatter on the concrete wall and floor, ending its ability to change mutants into humans.

Tᴇᴇɴᴀɢᴇ Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Nɪɴᴊᴀ Tᴜʀᴛʟᴇs: Oᴜᴛ Oғ Tʜᴇ Sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡs X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [Cᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ] 𓆉Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz