|48| The statement

Start from the beginning

"Mark Grey, you must be María." He goes in for a shake and I extend my hand. "It's a pleasure."

"Same and just Mia, please." We shake hands and he gives me a polite nod before looking directly at Carlos. "Oh sorry, this is Carlos he is my..."

"Her partner, she asked me to accompany her today, hope that's okay." Carlos goes for a shake too and Mark returns it.

Well, I guess now I know where we stand, and believe me if I weren't on the verge of losing it I would be smiling like a little girl.

"Of course, anything that helps her feel more comfortable." Mark looks back at me. "I want to thank you for coming, I know this can't be easy for you."

"If I'm here it is because of him," I look at Carlos. "Thought I would never be capable but justice has to be made."

"Whatever reason I'm glad you are here, with your help I'm positive we will be able to put Mason behind bars for a while." Mark smiles motioning for us to sit down while he goes to sit behind his desk.

"That's all I want." I nod sitting down.

"I know you probably want this to be over soon so I'm going to jump straight into it. After Mason got arrested and it got leaked to the press he later gave an interview. What he said caused some women to speak up, we received calls saying they will like to write their statements, things that had happened between them and Mason so they could help bring him to justice. In this interview, some reporter must have dug deep and asked about you." Mark explains.

"About me?" I feel my body starting to shake and Carlos' hand moving to my leg to try and calm me down.

"That's how I found you, if you want to see the interview and hear what he said I can show you." He tells me.

I look at Carlos that nods telling me to do what I think it's best.

"Show me." I look back at Mark and he turns around his laptop.

He presses play and there he is. Mason is in front of a bunch of microphones looking at a blonde woman that looks about to ask him a question.

"A few years ago right before the New York dancing competition, you shocked the world when you explained you will be changing dancing partners since you and your girlfriend and also partner at the time María Rodríguez were no longer together due to some personal issues. We can't help but wonder if maybe something else happened since María disappeared without giving any statement." The blonde woman says slowly.

"Excuse me? What are you implying?" Mason asks trying to keep himself together.

"I'm asking if maybe she was one of your victims." The blonde woman spits out not caring about professionalism anymore.

"This is ridiculous but I will say it again. I haven't done anything to that woman at the club and I had never hurt my ex-girlfriend or any woman for that matter." He says confidently even if he is lying through his teeth.

The video stops there and I just stare at the screen in disbelief. Carlos' hand tightens over my own.

It's not like I thought Mason would admit what he has done. I knew he never would but I didn't think he will dare to deny everything. If he has done that it's because he believes that I won't speak up, he is confident I won't talk and the worst thing is that a few weeks ago he would have been right.

"Your statement could help us, Mia. You will only have to write it down and I will present it in court." Mark explains carefully.

I'm still looking at the screen, staring at the last frame where Mason's face is looking directly at the camera. He looks so sure of himself even after Carlos' warning. He believes he can win. And I think I have never been more furious in my life.

"What if I testify? In court, not a written statement but a confession in front of everyone." I look at Mark and I can feel Carlos' shock. "Would that be better?"

"Definitely, having you there, confessing under an oath in person will change everything." Mark's face lights up in a mixture of surprise and amusement.

"Then I will do it, I will testify in court," I say loud and clear.

Mason won't win, not this time.

Mason won't win, not this time

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Author's note

As always if you are here ty for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!

The audacity Mason has, let's ruin this man's life

So they are official (even if we all already knew it). I'm so in love with them.

Ly all,

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