Chapter 20

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"Joengin where are you..." Minho said cautiously as he walked around the house.

"Shh..we have to stay quiet." Chan spoke as he held the blonde close.

Jeongin giggled. "He's gonna find us, I know it.." he whispers.

Suddenly down the hall they hear a squeak and a stream of laughter. It came from, what it sounded like, Chan and Felix's bedroom. "I got you!" Minho yelled as he tickled Jisung.

"Okay!...Okay! You got me, yes!" Jisung let out through laughs.

"Minho is so good at this game.." Joengin informed the other as they sat in the bathtub. Chan just smiled and nodded, soon hearing footsteps coming their way. Step by step Jeongin smiled and got giddy, he didn't want to get caught but he couldn't help how overly excited he was. Chan did his best to keep the blonde from becoming a human viberator as he gripped his arms.

"Joenigin and Chan...I know you two hid together.." Minho let out as he quickly opened another door, or known as Chan's study room. "Not there..." Jisung just walked behind him waiting for the final blow to the last two. Minho has never lost hide and seek and he wasn't going to now.

The two hiding in the bathtub held their breath as the silver haired entered the bathroom. Inch by inch he got closer to the tub. He had looked around with wandering eyes until he saw shadows behind the curtains. Minho smirked as he stood still. "Joenign.." He said playfully until he pulled the curtains back in one go, causing Joenign to scream and Chan let out a laugh.

"Found you!" Minho said but before he could grab him Jeongin scrambled out of the tub and down the hallway of the apartment. Minho had fallen onto Chan soon looking up to the brunette.

"Well hello Minho." Chan said smugly.

Minho flashed him a smile as he got up. "I found you." Then the silver haired darted out of the bathroom to find the blonde. Jisung had begun to laugh as he watched Minho chase around a screaming blonde; Chan had joined in the laughter as he saw the scene going on in the living room.

"You can't catch me!" Jeongin yelled as he stuck out his tongue.

Minho smiled out of affection before running after the shorter again. "Don't think I won't tackle you Jeo!" Receiving another strained scream from the blonde they ran around the apartment once more before havoc broke out. Jisung and Chan watched as Minho stopped in his tracks and the place went quiet.

"Jeo..?" Chan called out as the two in the hallway approached.

"He hit his toe and fell." Minho spoke as he bent down to the other. Letting the other two gather around him. The blonde was dead silent as he held his toe. After a couple of moments he began to flutter his eyelashes.

"It's Felix, let me place him on the couch.." Chan ushered as he picked up the blonde and sat him on the couch. Letting the three others gather in front of him once more.

Thus Felix came too finally. -Okay were in Chan and I's apartment....I'm changed into something else so I must have switched once i went to sleep....and these three are here? - Felix tilted his head as he trailed his gaze over the others, letting them all awkwardly smile. - Why are they looking at me like that....ow! What's that feeling!- Felix's mouth fell agape as he held his toe, feeling the pain.

"Here it comes." Jisung muttered before Felix let out a groan and began to freak out.

"What did I do!" He shouted and the three couldn't help but laugh.

"You stubbed your toe...well Jeo did. We were playing hide and seek." Minho spoke through a smile, heading to the kitchen to get some ice for Felix's toe.

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