Chapter 4

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Felix was now confused. How was he supposed to fix it himself? Wasn't that the reason he went to therapy? To prevent this from happening, to make sure he gets better, not worse? Felix headed his way back to the dorms. It was a nice day and it wasn't far so he enjoyed it.

Yeonjun co-conscious

- how are we supposed to fix it? I think she's got it all wrong -

She can't be wrong Yeonjun...she's our therapist. But I don't know how to prevent another alter.

- I don't even see one in the house. I can ask everyone else but I doubt they will say yes. -

She had a point. I do lean on you guys alot...

- Felix, you created us for tough times. You're supposed to lean on us...  -

The blonde heads into the familiar elevator, pressing floor 5 and standing patiently. "I've become too dependent Yeonjun." He speaks out. 

- I don't think you do. She has no clue what she's talking about...Hyunjin, Mina, and I don't think you're doing anything wrong? Even Jeongin doesn't. I think we're all doing fine. -

"I don't think she does though. I mean ya were communicating and pretty healthy no one's hurting the system. " He says while opening the door to his dorm. Not even catching that Chan said hello, or that Chan was there in the first place.

- Exactly so I think we're okay. When's our next session? -

"Next Tuesday..."

- okay..I'll tell everyone.. -

Felix's sighs. "Okay."

"What's next Tuesday?"

"Ah!!" The blonde lets out the most high pitched scream causing Chan to wince. Felix didn't even see him at all, -He probably thinks I'm crazy oh no!!-

"I have something next Tuesday..sorry I was talking to myself."

Chan smiles softly. He must have just got out of the shower, his hair was slightly damp making it fall nicely all around his head. "Oh..that's okay.."

"I'm going to my room now." Felix pleads as he rushes to his room, not letting Chan get another word out before slamming the door. -Your an idiot Felix..-

"What room is it again?"

"Room 112 Jisung I told you a million times." Minho says as they walk out of the elevator.

"Ya but I was hoping you remembered." Jisung speaks as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Or maybe you forgot it."

"Shut up..There it is!"

It was the next day. Minho and Jisung planned to visit Felix. Not letting him know of course, but sometimes some people needed surprises. The two ran up to the dorm and banged on the door.


"Yah! Felix!!"

The two yelled with giggles and obnoxious pounding on the door. Yet Felix wasn't the one to open it. Instead a brown haired who looked like he hadn't slept in hours did. Headset wrapped around his neck and a big sweatshirt covered his body.

"Minho?" Chan spoke out of confusion.

"Hey Chan! I didn't know you were roommates with Felix?"

"Didn't know you had a friend named Felix.."

Minho had let himself in followed by a smiley Jisung. "Nice to see you again Felix here?"

Chan lets out a sigh. "Yes he's been cooped up in his room all day. Ever since he came home yesterday.I'm starting to worry.. Does he not like me or something?"

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