Chapter 11

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Mrs.Hao comes in to sit with Felix on the leather couch. "You wanted to have a talk today. Is something bothering you Felix?"

Felix stops picking at his nails as he looks at the women. His hair is falling in front of his face as his blond hair is now fading. He tried to tie it back but he was in a rush this morning, thankful that he woke up today and not randomly two days later.

"I think I have a problem." he said hushed.

"That is?" Mrs.hao questions through her red rimmed glasses.

"The other day I had a really long switch and then I woke up three days later with an injury on my arm. I went to the house and asked everyone if they were out but Mina said she was only co-conscious. The person didn't answer her though and did weird things."

"What kind of weird things."

"They didn't stay home. Ignored my friends and gave the system this wound."

Mrs.Hao begins to rub Felix's back for comfort. "You did the right thing by going to the house Felix."

"But no one left a note and I woke up in some alleyway...Mrs.hao I was so scared...I had no clue what was going on."

"It's okay Felix, calm down. So no one knew about this random person. Not even Yeonjun."

"No, he said he didn't see anyone since he was busy worrying about me."

"What were you doing?"

"I was sleeping the whole time. It was three days."

Mrs.hao nods, understanding that this was more serious than the thought. The woman stood up and grabbed her pen and Felix's designated notebook, soon placing herself back in her usual chair. "Do you mind if I talk to Yeonjun."

" I don't know if he will want to come out."

"I'm sure he would. I'll wait." The blonde nodded, soon going silent as he tried his best to bring out Yeonjun. One shiver later and the other was looking around and sighing as he blinked rapidly.

"Yeonjun." Mrs. Hao spoke.

The blonde whipped his head to her and smiled softly. "You asked to see me."

"Yes. I'd like you to tell me who you let out the other day. When Felix was sleeping."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." The youngers leg began to bounce, praying that Mrs.hao didn't see but she did.

"Yeonjun, you are the gatekeeper. Alters don't just front when they want, that's why you're there."

"I was taking care of Felix." He blurts.

Mrs.Hao began to click her pen as he held it close to the paper. "Not for the whole time, Yeonjun. Tell me, who is this new alter. They might be harmful to the system."

Yeonjun hesitates for a moment, letting his leg bounce and begins to grow fidgety. He knew he couldn't keep it for long but he didn't want to harm the system anymore.

"His name is yongbok. I found him one day while I was in the garden. He looked so scared so I wanted to help him. I let him stay in the flower wall because he didn't want to go near anyone I see why."

"Yeonjun why didn't you tell everyone else."

"I didn't think this would become a problem..I'm sorry Mrs.hao.." Yeonjun says with a crack in his voice.

Once the woman finished writing in her notebook she looked at Yeonjun with soft eyes. "We will figure this out. I need to talk to Felix okay."

Yeonjun nods, soon going silent again and letting Felix take the wheel.

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