Chapter 2

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-Lee Felix...age 18...birthday september 15, 2000...psychologist major...brown hair...brown allergies...height 5'7..weight 132...-

Felix closes his eyes before reading on his final papers.

- ...has dissociative identity disorder...- he sighs, signing at the bottom and handing back the papers to the women behind the desk. "It's all correct mam.."

"So you dyed your hair?" She asks.

Felix touches his blonde locks and nods, "Yes mam.."

The woman slides Felix his dorm keys. "The dormitory is right to the left. Enjoy your first semester of college."

Felix pleads a smile before picking up his luggage that he carried in and heads down the vast hallway of doors. Finding an elevator, he took it to the 5th floor awaiting the medal doors to separate. As he stood with his 3 suitcases and book bag, he began to zone out, anxiety rising.

Yeonjun now co-conscious

Felix took the other hand through the darkness.

-Yes Felix? -

I'm scared.

-I know but we're just moving in. Where's dad? -

I told him he could leave...was that a bad idea?

-No it's okay. What room are we? -

Room 112, 5th floor

-Do you want me to take over and set up... -

No it's okay I just...

-Reassurance... I get it I'll stay for now.-

Okay thanks.

Felix stepped out of the elevator and soon found his room. It was like a normal dorm but just the more pristine one. Having two separate rooms and then the main room, with a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. His father, now being a professor, got Felix into Yellowwood college, where he worked. It was a big step from high school since Felix did most of it online.

The rising anxiety and sudden switches didn't blend well with school, let alone high school. Kids used to pick on him and get confused when he and his alters switched. Leaving Felix to become lonely with him and him selves within. He did meet a few friends, but it took a while for Felix to get comfortable.

Yet college was his dad's idea. Felix hated it, hated being here, hated to soon have a roommate that might not like him, and hated the overall thought of people all around judging silently. He did it for his dad. Just seeing his father so happy made Felix think without context and do it anyway.

"Excuse me?"

-Hey someone's talking to us -

Felix jolts out of his mind and looks over to the person standing beside him. A tall man with brown hair stood before him, a small smile was plastered on his round lips, and he was dressed in all black. Felix blushed in embarrassment and maybe because of the good-looking person.

"Oh I'm sorry I zoned out..."

"Is this your room also?"

Felix looked around the dorm room once more, letting out a shaky breath. Wondering why he was here again.

"I guess it is." He answered.

The taller moved passed him slightly to enter the dorm. "We are roommates then. Your voice is really deep, it's cool! By the way, I'm Chan."

Felix blushed some more, "thank you..I'm Felix."

-Oh first complement and he's cute -

Shut up Yeonjun

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