Chapter 16

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Home. A word used In many ways. A house, territory to an animal, or a safe place, Haven, comfort. Felix had a home, a house. Felix had a safe place, a haven; his comfort. That was Chan. Chan was his home, and his safe place, and nothing was going to change that. No matter how much the system hurts because of Yongbok, no matter how much time he has left. Chan was home and Felix liked this new home.

Yeonjun now co-conscious

"Felix, are you sure about this..I don't want you to get a headache or something? Does that happen when you switch a lot?" Chan goes on and on with his worries, causing Felix to giggle.

The two were enjoying their rainy Saturday at Felix's dads house. His father was away for a meeting at the moment but Mr.Lee invited Chan for dinner. Either way they had a little time on their hands so Felix came up with the idea of introducing Chan to the rest of the system.

"Chan calm down, I'll be okay. Yeonjun basically does all the work anyway since he's the-"

"Gatekeeper!" Chan said eagerly and then the older smiled. "I'm learning!"

-He's learning! Man, I'm so proud of him. -

God I know.

The blonde gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Look a you are you ready?"

"This is like meeting your family, I'm petrified."

"It will be okay...well here we go.." Felix sits back a little letting himself relax more. Feeling that floating feeling and letting Yeonjun do his typical job. Felix steps off the train as Hyunjin gets on.

Chan watches patiently as the blonde's eyes open once again and immediately man spreads. He looks around for a moment, processing where he is, before he lays his eyes on Chan.

"Chan?" Hyunjin lets out with Felix's deeper voice.

Chan takes a double take with furrowed eyes. "Are you..Hyunjin?" He asks scarcely.

Hyunjin nods. "I am Hyunjin, congratulations. "

-Don't be a bitch Hyunjin, we're dating... -

"We're what?!" He almost jumps out of his seat.

"What!? What's wrong, did I do something!"

Hyunjin stares at the older with wide eyes. "You sulk over this future doctor guy with no sleep for a week! Now you're dating?"

"Are my eyebags that bad?" Chan connects fingertips to the crevice of his eyes.

Hyunjin, stop it!

Hyunjin scoffs. "I'm just saying Felix..."

"Wait, he's still here?"

Hyunjin nods as he crosses his arms. Soon looking Chan up and down with a disgusted look. "I guess he's okay. But if you ever hurt Lixy I will forcefully come out here and beat you to a pulp then strangle you.."

"Alright alright...I won't, I promise."

-You're such an embarrassment...Explain yourself so I can get you back in here and strangle you myself. -

Hyunjin giggles at Felix's comment. Chan looks at him with questionable eyes as the younger adjusts himself toward Chan. "Sorry Felix said something really stupid. Um, okay. Im Hyunjin, the protector of the system. Meaning I protect the system from traumatic events and such."

"So your like his more confident side?" Chan asks.

"Correctamundo buddy. Any questions for me before I go bye bye?"

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