𝟬𝟭𝟬 ━ back to them

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finish line! chapter ten
━ back to them

"Guys, guess what," Kira spoke excitedly grinning from ear to ear, "my twin brother Ki-Ha is coming to meet you guys today." She was literally bursting with joy so much that small tears picked the corner of her eyes

Everyone smiled at how thrilled Kira was. Stiles however, was eh. He was strangely excited to meet him but he wouldn't tell anyone that. Meeting a new person always meant finding out what they are doing in Beacon Hills, if they are a threat and how long they would be staying.

This guy would be most likely be staying forever, Kira is his family━although she never mentioned anyone this close, never mind her twin, before.

The only thing he couldn't figure out until her got here was if he was a threat. Maybe he was part of the supernatural, like Kira? Or just an ordinary guy? But anyone who has ever walked the streets of Beacon Hills can never be normal━Stiles had to wait for the stranger to show so he could get a better analysis on him.

Since he's been back he barely said a word. Ms Martin, Lydia's mother, said it was probably to traumatizing for a young boy to be kidnapped for almost a year.

She could tell by the broken look in his eye, she could tell he had lost something dear to his heart, and it had broken him in more ways than possible.

She could tell he was broken by the way he looks for threats in the room when he enters.

The way he kept his guard up, refusing to talk to anybody apart from his father━almost once or twice a week.

The way he always wore a necklace with a small tube looking object along with a wooden carving. She didn't know what it ment.

Everyone told him others had it worse. That he had nothing to be upset about, he didn't know the feeling of having people ripped away from him.

"Scott lost his girlfriend you haven't lost anyone." That was horribly wrong━he had lost more than anyone could imagine.

"You don't know what it's like to lose someone."

"Weak, defenseless Stiles."



Weak. Defenseless. Useless. Most words that he had been hearing said to him.

As a matter of fact he isn't any of those. He's the opposite. When the FBI found him he took out ten of the most skilled agents, let's just say they got more training. He knows how to do alot of things. The FBI even offered for him to work for them, training new recruits and probably some field work.

When he was taken for almost a year it was like 5 years for him. In a stupid simulation. The scars and muscles he got were real. The feelings. The pain. The deaths.

"Stiles? Stiles?!" Lydia called out for the tenth time. Stiles looked up to see the pack staring at him, a concerned and partially annoyed look on their faces. He'd been doing that a lot lately, zoning out, bot listening when he was supposed to. Like his mind was somewhere else.

FINISH LINE ━ oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora