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"HE'D TAKEN heavy hits and got a large patch of his fur burnt. But you need not worry, Pikachu had already undergone treatment for his wounds. All he needs now is ample time to rest and fully recover." The doctor informed Ash before excusing herself — she's a busy person after all. Dr. Rhodeia, a notable Pokémon Doctor from Bubu Hospital hailing from Fontaine. She came here on the notice of the Qixing in the steed of her superior, Dr. Baizhu.

They were now in one of the medical tents set up. After the hard-won battle, Pikachu dropped to the floor — but still conscious — wanting to rest his body after much exertion. He was sleeping soundly now. Fengyan and his Pyroar were in the tent right next to him, discussing with Xiao and other people involved about the initial plans regarding the operation tomorrow. Hutao was in a phone call with her parents somewhere in the camp. And as for Ophelia, she was in a video call with Master Diluc back in their tents. The winery owner gave him an earful lecture earlier about differentiating Teyvatean Pokémon from his prior knowledge. Nonetheless, Diluc did congratulate him on his win right after.

As such, he was finally listening to his Mondstadtian family and was now flipping volume one of a book about the different Liyuen Pokémon. The book was overly informative, it had more facts written on it than Paimon had encrypted on her. It hurt his brain even at the first page.

Just as he was finished reading the twelfth Pokémon, someone knocked on the wood keeping the tent upright. A head soon peeked through the folds. It was Ophelia. "Knock knock! You still awake?"

He groaned. "Barely..."

"Well, you better keep those eyelids open, Mr. Fengyan wants to talk to you." She said as she strutted inside the tent.

That perked up Ash's attention. He put down the book on the nightstand beside the bed. "Really?"

"Yeah. He's in front of the tree waiting for you. If you ask me, it's probably about the plan tomorrow and who you're gonna be with." She explained. "Hutao wanted to search Mount Hulao, so naturally, Xiao would be going with her. I choose to climb up Qingyun Peak seeing as I've been there before and it's the only one out of the three I'm familiar with. How 'bout you Ash? Have you chosen?"

"Hmm... in that case, I'll take the last one." He said before standing up from the chair he'd been sitting on. "Could you watch Pikachu for me while I talk with Fengyan?"

"Yeah, sure. Take as much time as you need." She assured as she got comfortable on a seat by the bed.

Ash left silently. He gazed up the amber hued sky before bringing his attention on the path before him. He trekked his way towards the shining tree. Truly, it was a massive symbol of the wealth and prosperity of Liyue. Its yellow leaves turned golden under the gaze of the setting sun, casting a glorious visual among the people. Its glowing state, paired with the elemental prowess it exuded, attracted Crystalflies in the night, gently flowing through the quiet winds. The bright leaves of the tree swayed along the sweet symphony of the breeze, creating a soft melody that sounded akin to that of a lullaby. Ash knew he'd be sleeping well tonight.

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