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ON A FINE sunny day of June, Cynthia Shirona is busy signing off papers one after another, deeply regretting flying to Kalos for the crowning of the new Kalos Queen. Despite it being only a three-day event, the paperwork seems to be punishing the seasoned battler. Being a champion surely has its perks, and too has its disadvantages.

In the middle of reading a business proposal, a call came from one of her dearest friends. Steven Stone, the former champion of the Hoenn region. A defeated sigh left her mouth before picking up the call.

"Steven, it may sound a tad bit rude but why are you calling when you know that I'm stuck with horrid paperwork?" She rubbed her temple and put the phone on speaker mode, continuing where she left off on her work whilst being able to listen to her peer.

"My my, didn't think the great Cynthia Shirona would still be put behind her workload. I had thought you were ready for any sort of trouble before rushing out for an impromptu vacation to Kalos."  She could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line.

Clicking her tongue and picking up another piece of paper, she responded, "Well, I hadn't thought these papers would tower over me. Clearly, I'd expected them to be simple complaints but imagine my surprise when I came home with news of a forest burning itself to near deforestation!!" She couldn't help but shout.

"Well, it is to be expected. Afterall, being a champion is not just its title; it's a never-ending flow of responsibility; tasks pile up on top of each other, one after another. I mean, why'd you think Ash gave his away? I've always warned my challengers about the weight of the crown, call me lucky for having a dependable successor."

"Please don't tell me you only called to chastise me, I have business proposals to runover and matters to solve." She sighed heavily as she slumped on her seat. "Currently, there's a case of a massive burglary at one of Sinnoh's biggest Pokémon centers! And there's the―"

"Hep hep, I didn't call you to be your personal therapist. Though, in your state... would you like me to send you a truck full of sweets? You sound like a child throwing a tantrum~"

"Tsk, quit it."

"But how can I? You're not so easily riled up and I thought to poke some fun."

"Just because your duties as a champion are all over doesn't give you any leverage over me. I'm merely stressed, that's all." She reasoned out.

"Do I?"  He teased.

"State your query, my patience is thinning. I have more important matters to attend to. More important than you, might I add." She was close to snapping. With her combined workload and issues to fix, she's already had a lot more on her plate than she'd prefer. Add that with an unscheduled phone call from a "free man" as to what Alder would call it.

"And one more tease from you, I will send Garchomp to eat you out of your newfound freedom." She's not jealous of course — not that she'd admit it out loud — but in her state, she has every right to feel frustrated.

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