Not an Update!

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Can I vent here guys??? Because I feel like you'll definitely hear me!!!!!!!

Yesterday I slept at 3:30 am and woke up early at 7 am, got sleep for only 3 and a half hour and since then I've been sitting in college's auditorium waiting for my turn to come( we are giving interviews), and seriously kill me already, why are there so many rounds amd why the hell do I have to wear fucking heels...????????

I was waiting, sitting silently in a corner wearing my comfortable shoes but then a faculty came and said go change your shoes, they are not allowed, I was like I know dude, I am not wearing them because they hurt my feet, although I've them in my backpack but I was waiting for my turn to come up and then only I would wear them, but now I am waiting for my turn in my heels, oh also I was already in pain because when I don't get a proper sleep my legs hurt 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

I was waiting, sitting silently in a corner wearing my comfortable shoes but then a faculty came and said go change your shoes, they are not allowed, I was like I know dude, I am not wearing them because they hurt my feet, although I've them in my...

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PS- It's me!!

I want to go home and sleep and not wake up for freaking two days😭😭

Also I am thinking of updating a chapter this night or maybe tomorrow morning, STAY TUNED!

Also you can vent here anytime or you wanna share anything good I am all ears, need some advice, am always ready, if you're feeling exhausted come to me I'll recommend you the best songs in the world of your fav genres just don't stress yourself a lot!!!!

Because I love my readers and even though we've never met, I hope you'll consider me your friends who will always listen to you and will never judge!!!!!!!

Lots of love- Siyatara.

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