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Do you believe in Right person, wrong timing? Does that really happen? Yes? No? Maybe? 

The right person, wrong time concept refers to a situation in which two people seem compatible and connected, but external circumstances prevent them from being together at that moment.

 This may include factors such as distance, timing, personal goals and commitments, or other life circumstances that make relationships difficult or impossible. Sometimes it can be frustrating to feel like you've found the perfect match, and while the timing isn't right, it's important to remember that things might change in the future. If you think it's special and worth the wait, it might be worth keeping in touch and seeing if your paths cross again in better times. But it's also important to stay open and not get hung up on one particular person. There are many great people in the world, but you can find someone who is just as compatible and available at the right time. Ultimately, whether or not to seek a relationship with someone you are currently out of contact with is a personal decision based on your values, priorities, and goals.

Let's talk about people falling out of love during relationships. When our partner fell out of love  it can be a painful experience, but it is also a natural part of many relationships. There are many reasons why people lose love. For example, changes in personality, interests, and priorities, feelings of alienation over time, and feelings of lack of support and appreciation from a partner. When you fall in love with someone, it's important to take the time to reflect on your feelings and understand why they happened. Were there any particular behaviors or issues in your relationship that caused you to lose interest in your partner? Are there any personal issues or changes in your life that make it harder for you to feel connected to your partner? Once you have a better understanding of why you fell in love, it's important to be open and honest about how you feel about your partner. 

This can be a difficult conversation, but it's important to communicate your feelings clearly and openly so that your partner understands where they're coming from. If both parties are trying to mend a relationship, it's important to be patient and take the time to rebuild it.

However, if you've lost love and feel the relationship can't be repaired, it's important to be honest with yourself and your partner. Ending a relationship can be difficult, but it's important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and be honest with yourself about how you feel.

Why am I writing this? for some reasons, i experienced it too. And i had a hard time while I was going thru the Right person, wrong timing phase of my life. In fact, he said he was going to wait turns out he's already tired. It is possible for  people to get tired of their lover, as relationships can go through ups and downs and require exertion and work from both accomplices to preserve. 

There are numerous reasons why somebody might feel tired or bored in a relationship. Sometimes it may be due to a need of oddity or fervor, feeling unfulfilled within the relationship, or feeling like they are not developing or advancing together. 

In a few cases, it may well be due to more profound issues such as unresolved conflicts, communication breakdowns, or unaddressed needs. It's vital to note that feeling tired or bored in a relationship isn't fundamentally a sign that the relationship is destined. It is common for connections to go through harsh patches, and with exertion and communication, it is conceivable to work through these challenges and come out more grounded on the other side. Be that as it may, on the off chance that these sentiments hold on over a long period of time and are causing noteworthy trouble, it may be worth considering whether the relationship is really satisfying and sound for both accomplices.

If your partner is becoming cold and stuff, communication is the only way to fix whatever their problem is. Going thru the same phase or the Right person, wrong timing too? don't worry there's still 7.887000 billion people out there also waiting for someone to give them the worth they really deserve and so do you. I know.. this isn't related to baka sakali but yeah. 

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When the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen. 

-Isaiah 60 20 - 22

need someone to talk to? just drop a comment and I'll dm you.

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