Chapter 14: Lan Zhan

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Lan Zhan's POV

Location: Earth, 108th Dimension.

Wei WuXian had thrown accusations over accusations at me, and I held my tongue; I realize now that it was a mistake.

By misinterpreting his actions, I had hurt him.  

Earlier, when he had asked me if I was married or if I was pursuing someone, I should have told him how I truly felt; I hadn't. 

My insecurities had rendered me mute, and even after what I had seen in his warm, inviting pools, I had ignored it, fearing rejection.

I was a fool for not answering him when I had the chance, and then it happened again, just like it had in the cave. 

Ah-Xian's eyes glazed over, and his knees gave way; without thinking of the consequences, I reacted, and breaking his fall, I held him close. 

"No, they are closing in! I am drowning. No! No!" He kept repeating, burying his face in my neck. 

I didn't know what to do or how to help him; that's when Meng Yao, the man who had staked his claim on Wei WuXian not too long ago, suggested, "I think it will help if you take him to the roof." Then, without waiting for an acknowledgment, he rushed out, gesturing to me to follow him. 

Carrying Wei WuXian in my arms, I hurried behind him. We didn't have a long way to go. Exiting the room, he turned left, where a staircase awaited us; climbing it brought us close to the heavens. Maybe it was heaven. 

Under different circumstances, I would have explored this new world which I couldn't at the moment, for my hands were full. 

No sooner did we arrive at our destination than Meng Yao disappeared. I glanced around and found a parchment stuck on one of the walls with the words: 'This is a good spot' written on it in. The Quil the writer had used must have been a fine instrument, I reckoned. I had never seen such perfect ink dispersal. 

Further investigation revealed an arrow pointing down next to it. 

Not wanting to take the written words at face value, I ran my eyes over the place for any possible threats. It turned out that the writer, who I presumed was none other than Meng Yao, was right. The location he had suggested was bathed in the hues of gold and silver; without a roof on top, it offered a clear view of the horizon, where the sun had started its descent. It would be night soon. I could sense that it was going to be breathtaking. 

Breathtaking. The man lying in my arms wore that title better. 

"To experience such a magnificent sight without Ah-Xian would be an opportunity lost, wouldn't it?" I heard someone whisper in my ears. 

 I couldn't be sure, for the voice was faint; it wouldn't have surprised me if it belonged to Meng Yao. 

Whether he was a friend or foe, I wasn't yet sure, but he was right; I wanted Wei WuXian to see the sunset with me. 

"Wei WuXian," I called, hoping to wake A-Xian from his slumber, but nothing happened; wondering how I could help him regain consciousness, I looked around and found a bowl of water with the words, 'Maybe this will help.' written on it.

I was sure it hadn't been there before, but there was no time to dwell on it; grateful for its appearance and without doubting the instructions, I followed them.

What transpired next could only be described as an end of a nightmare with a promise of a lovely beginning. 

The water helped; Ah-Xian woke up and acquainted me with his past.

The pain he had endured so early in life broke my heart, and if I could, I would have used Bichen on the vile mortals and ended their existence. Alas, I was still in the unknown world. 

Right after, he opened his heart to me, and the restraints I had placed on myself dissolved. As the sun set and the moon rose, I claimed his lips as mine with a promise of doing to the rest of him soon. 

My uncle wouldn't be proud of what I did next, but I didn't care. 

We kissed under the silent moonlit night, and the world that had acquainted me with my feelings for him fell away; we were back where we had begun this journey: in the cave. 

Soon, kissing him wasn't enough. I wanted more; Highly inconvenient, contemplating if we should wait till we were wed was a thought I rejected as soon as it came to me.

Something primal coiled and growled within me, making me search Ah-Xian's inky wonders; there was no resistance in them, only desire... and love.  

Unfortunately, there was a problem: I lacked any knowledge regarding how one was supposed to please a man… or a woman, for that matter. 

I had never put any effort into studying the subject; from what I had heard from my peers, our library didn't cover the topic either. 

A novice…a virgin, I did what any self-respecting cultivator would do. I decided to admit the truth and ask for information to help me navigate these unknown waters. 

On reaching my man's man-parts, I glanced up to seek guidance. Imagine my surprise when I saw Ah-Xian, who seemed to be pleased with my kisses and shameless touches barely moments ago, sound asleep. 

At first, it didn't make sense, but a heartbeat later, it did. My eyes fell on another piece of parchment, and I left my slumbering lover's side in favor of reading it. 

I knew the hand by now.

With my trust in the instructions completely restored after they had helped me with Ah-Xian, I had started to believe that the heavens had sent the man, who I had mistaken for a villain, to assist me. 

I took a deep breath and read the entire message in one go; upon finishing which, I was a man tainted; my innocence was lost, for l had never read anything so scandalous in nineteen years of my life! 

However, Meng Yao was very thorough about what needed to be done and how I was supposed to do it; the procedure, though it was uncomplicated, seemed painful for the party on the receiving end. 

His parting words alluded my understanding: 'Let's see if you guys can last till sunrise. P. S.: Even if you are in the middle of it, stop and watch the sunrise. 

P. P. S.: I am sorry for ruining your life. Hope the lube makes up for it. Use it well, light-bearer. Regards, Meng Yao.'

I understood the last sentence shortly after Ah-Xian woke up, and we did the…thing.

The night flew by in the blink of an eye, and just before the sun came up, as instructed by our well-wisher, we stepped out. 

Under the brilliant sunshine by the sea, where I had found him less than a day ago, we watched it illuminate the island till Ah-Xian couldn't keep his hands to himself anymore and urged me to continue where I had left off.

At that moment, where I was, was inconsequential. It dawned on me that Ah-Xian was my home now; he always would be, and next to him was where I truly belonged. 

Everything was perfect because he was perfect, and everything was beautiful because we were in love.

Chapter Word Count: 1249
Word Count so far: 28280

[A/N:- Lan Zhan and Wei WuXian have seemingly gotten a happy ending, but what about the call B received from Brams?

ill Lan Zhan and Wei WuXian be able to keep the prize B has bestowed upon them, or will Brams take it all away?

Any guesses?

To find out what The Fates have in store for our boys, stay tuned!

In the name of love || ONC2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora