Chapter 0.5

394 43 96


Location: Undisclosed for safety reasons.

The view from the eighteenth floor was always perfect, especially as the entities swooped into the first level all at once, giving rise to a commotion of mammoth proportions. It was the only time anyone could use profanities without the fear of getting reprimanded, which is precisely why this was my favorite time of the day.

As the employees settled in and calm prevailed, I lost interest and walked to the cafeteria. If there was anything interesting brewing in this awfully boring organization, that was the place to get a taste of it.

"Kamloon and Yao are at it again." Dol, manager of 43, whispered to Bon, manager of 56. The two had been friends since before they had taken on their managerial positions.

I just realized all these random numbers coming out of my mouth must sound confusing to any mortal from any dimension. So before we proceed, it is only polite that I introduce myself and this incredibly uninteresting place.

Hello, I am B. Yes, just B. I had a proper name once, but it didn't suit my personality, so I changed it to B. Luckily, only a few of those who knew what I was named at birth back then are still walking, figuratively speaking, of course, because we are not just talking about humans here, are we now?

Anyway, I would like to welcome you lovely entities to The Central Headquarters of the Multiverse, aka TCHM. As the name suggests, we are located-Nevermind. I can't give you the details because Brams, the head, or as humans would put it, the CEO of this organization, has forbidden it.

If you thought there was only one universe, you would be wrong. Actually, there are 108, one per dimension. The ancient Indian texts of 96 (96th dimension) had cracked that code thousands of years ago, but the west had taken all the credit for it despite being about seven thousand years late.

Each dimension is managed by its respective manager; he is responsible for its smooth functioning. He, she, or it has almost free reign over it, meaning they are the God of that dimension. They can go wherever they please and do anything they want 24/7 as long as they don't mess with the mortals' fates.

However, this was the limit of their Godliness. Once they stepped inside TCHM, they were all just managers and were addressed as such.

Pale, naked walls and appropriately measured cubicles with the ones overlooking the 108 dimensions slightly larger than the rest completed the competitive- or so Brams thought- atmosphere. I had seen better, but meh.

At first glance, this place would seem like any other human office with the occupants either typing away on their lappys or speaking on their mobiles, a sense of urgency lining their every action, with everyone needing to be
somewhere or get something done right the heck now!

Everyone here had only one thing on their mind: getting the D. The biggest D there was, the
DharmaArthaKamaMoksha position.
Why? Because that was the position of power here.

It was common knowledge that Brams was boss only in name, and the one taking all the important decisions was D, the Spock to Brams' Kirk.

No offense to Kirk. He was a good fictional character, very popular with most females and a few males of this not-so-fine-establishment.

Since technology had found us, especially me, thanks to tech support from 96, my workload had reduced, confining me to my desk. No wonder I had gained weight. You should have seen me thirty years ago. I was a stunner!

Though I did venture out every so often, especially to 96, it had been roughly three hundred years since I had vacationed.

Thanks to Brams rules about not interfering with the dimensions, I was getting bored out of my mind and constantly looking for something… anything I could do to liven up my life. Thus, the cafeteria visits.

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