• Heart to Heart Talk •

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"Author POV"

/They were all eating the cake and chitchatting about random things. YN was sitting with the maknaes in one sofa (Jungkook • Jimin • YN • Taehyung) while hyung line were on the other sofa./

Namjoon : Ohh YN, We couldn't get to congratulate you personally. Congratulations once again!
/He said sweetly with his cute dimple smile./

YN : Thank you, Oppa!
/She said softly while smiling. Next Everyone else congratulated her together./

Jimin : My birthday turned out to be lucky for you.
/He nudged her shoulder playfully to which she chuckles./

Jungkook : Ahem! Congratulations YN...
/Everyone was shocked and YN was too stunned to speak. Taehyung bumps her softly bringing her back to reality./

YN : Thank you, Jungkook.
/She smiled softly feeling happy that things are getting better between her and Jungkook./

/YN was so happy with them right now that she even forgot the reason she came here./


YN : (I should talk to him. It's now or never.)
/I gulped nervously while thinking about an excuse to take him aside to talk./

/I took my phone, opened Taehyung's chat, unblocked him and texted him "Taehyung, Can we please talk personally once?". I secretly signalled him to check his phone. He checked and replied with an "Sure YN"./

YN : Jimin, I need use restroom.
/I said audible enough for both Taehyung and Jimin to hear./

Jimin : Ahh wait lemme show wher-
/Immediately Taehyung interrupted him./

Taehyung : Jimin-ah it's fine, you sit here. I'll take her.
/Jimin was kinda taken aback but he understood what was going on so he just nodded./


"In guest room"

Taehyung : Now, tell me YN. What did you wanted to talk about?
/He asked softly. I looked down feeling guilty./

YN : Firstly, Taehyung.. I am so sorry.. I am really sorry for blocking you like that.
/I look down avoiding the eye contact./

YN : I am really Sorry for my childish behaviour. You treated me so kindly but I just hurt you-

Taehyung : No! You didn't.
/He softly holds my bare shoulders making my spine shiver and talking to me so softly while looking into my eyes with a concerned look./

YN :But Tae-
Taehyung : No, it's fine.. I was surprised but I can understand, YN. I just didn't expect it. Maybe an explanation before blocking would have been good.

/I looked down feeling embarrassed about my behaviour./

Taehyung : It's okay, You can now. If you want to, that is.
/He smiled softly reassuring me./

YN : (What did I do to deserve his kindness?? No! No! This way, I can never stay away from him. I should do something.)

Taehyung : YN..?
/He called me softly with a worried expression. I looked at him and hummed softly./

Taehyung : What's wrong, YN?,
/He asked me with a worried expression./

YN : Taehyung, I don't think we should continue talking to eachother.
/I said while looking down feeling guilty./

Taehyung : And why do you think like that?
/He asked calmly./

YN : Because..
/I was thinking what to say because I definitely can't that I don't want to cause any trouble to him./

• 𝐌𝐲 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 • | Season 1 Where stories live. Discover now