• New Bond •

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/I was getting ready in my dorm for the party, probably my last day in this room and I'll be given a new one by tomorrow. I sighed looking around the room, memories hit me./

YN : So much has happened in these 2 months. *Sigh* Everything is happening so fast, So fast that it's almost impossible to believe this is real.

YN : It feels like, Just yesterday I was coming from office exhausted from work, thinking about my broken dreams. It feels like just yesterday I was getting scolded by my mom. It feels like just yesterday I left home to follow my dreams.

YN : ...And Now, Everything is going too fast that i feel maybe this will end as soon as it started. I'm happy but also conflicted, is this true? It's really happening right? I really hope it's not gonna end... Afterall I have put my everything into this. I came so far and there's no looking back now! Only going forward, but the path is still unclear. I hope I can be My own light in this unclear path. A light to clear the way, So I can manage to get through all types of obstacles and finally reach my dream one day.

/I wiped my tears and took deep breath. I looked at myself in the mirror and was about to do my make up. Just then I realised something./

YN : (I should tell them about this.)
/With a huge smile on my face I took my phone and started texting them./


On the phone -

YN : Hello Guys!
/I said excitedly and almost jumping./

Kate : Oh look who decided to call us.
/She said sarcastically. I can imagine her rolling her eyes./

YN : Hehe...
/I laughed awkwardly./

Hazel : Where were you!? You didn't text us even once
Kate : Yeahh!
Me : Umm guys..

Kate : I mean, we get it. You are really busy but atleast one text a week is enough.
Hazel : Yeah, we were worried for you.

Me : *sigh* I am really sorry guys I couldn't get the time to text you guys.

Me : But I am sure you guys will be so happy when you hear my news!
/I claimed with so much enthusiasm./

Hazel : Whoaa! What is it???
YN : Guess!!
Kate : Bruh! You might love suspense but we don't. Just say it!!!
/She whines feeling desperate to hear my news. I chuckled at her reaction./

YN : Okok I'll say.
/They stayed silent waiting for me to continue./

YN : So, You guys know I was getting training in a company right?
Hazel : Yeah and you still didn't tell us which company is it..

YN : Sorry babes! I can't tell you guys about it. It's confidential and also I want it to be a suprise for you guys.
/Hazel hummed in response. I was going to continue but Kate interrupted me./

Kate : Wait!! What do you mean "was"??? What tf happened??
YN : Aishh calm your ass and listen to me first!
Kate : Hmm fine..
/I can see her pouting through phone. Even though she acts tough and like a bad b*tch but she's a softie inside./

YN : Yeah, so.. I am not a trainee anymore..
/I bit my lips controlling my laugh./
Both (Hazel & Kate) : WHAT???

YN : Yess!!
Hazel : What do you mean???

YN : I mean... I am going to debut soon!!!
/There was a moment of silence for a moment then they started squealing and screaming in happiness. I laughed at them. Slowly tears formed in my eyes and I smiled through my tears./

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