Chapter 2

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The wind roared in my ears and my hair flapped out behind me as I rode the wind currents on top of my enchanted hoverboard. Max flew beside me, his powerful wings flapping against the breeze. Using my staff as a steering rod, I guided myself low enough for the bottom of the hoverboard to touch the fast moving ocean beneath us before letting it soar high enough to fly amongst the clouds. Max and I let out whoops of laughter as we flew.

Soon enough, England's coast came into view and not much longer later, we were flying over the city streets of London. I caught sight of some exquisite monuments, like a tall clock with a deafening ring when it struck the hour, and a strange, round silver contraption that spun on an axel, forever moving in place with no destination.

The sun was beginning its descent in the sky. Night would be falling soon and with that, Max and I would have to scrounge for shelter. Wanting to make good use of the rest of the day, I quickly steered myself to land in a dark alleyway where we wouldn't be spotted. With a flick of my staff the hoverboard disappeared and I let my weapon retract in on itself until only its hilt remained so I could stow it away easily in my pocket.

Now ready to go, I gave a nod to Max from above where he sat perched on a small ledge. He flapped his wings and soared over the buildings while I followed him on foot out of the alleyway.

The bustling streets caught me off guard, a torrent of sheer noise assaulting my ears. But as I kept my eyes trained on Max flying above, I began to get accustomed to the sounds. We walked for a while, but it wasn't long until Max led me to a quieter part of the city with fewer people and more dingy looking buildings.

He circled around a small brick apartment complex at the end of the street, and that's when I knew we found our target.

We found you, Hisirdoux, I thought with a triumphant smile. Your time ends soon.

Max dropped down to rest on my shoulder again as I scouted the building. "Up there," he said, pointing to one of the higher windows with a thrust of his beak. I nodded my acknowledgement.

A tree stood nearby the building, its branches reaching towards the upper windows of the complex. I shared a glance with Max and without another word, he took off again to land on the branch that was closest to Hisirdoux's apartment.

Once he was hidden amongst the leaves, I looked up and down the desolate street. No one was around, and with the grey clouds accumulating in the sky, I doubted anyone would be coming out of their homes anytime soon.

Without wasting another heartbeat, I grabbed onto the bark of the tree and began to climb.

I reached Max's branch and clambered on to it. Just in front of us was the apartment window, but of course it was closed shut, the yellow curtains drawn tightly so we couldn't see inside.

"Blast that stupid boy," I muttered.

I pressed my ear against the glass to listen for any sounds within the apartment, but all seemed to be silent. Trying my hands against the window's frame, I was surprised when it slid open easily.

"I thought it would've been jinxed," I whispered to Max. "Or at least locked."

Max nodded his agreement. "Strange. Maybe he's getting sloppy."

We didn't have much time to think about it though. Hisirdoux had given us an advantage, one that I would absolutely use to its fullest.

Almost twitching with anticipation, I pulled one of the curtains away and we were greeted with the sight of an almost bare room. There wasn't much furniture except for a couch that accompanied a small coffee table, and a lamp that stood in the corner. I caught sight of a closed door at the other end of the room and a few other doorways off to the side, but there wasn't anything in the room that indicated the space was being occupied by Merlin's apprentice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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