chapter 6: That don't seem good

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I thank my mom and she drives off in her car. I asked her to drop me off at the gym before she left to another Island her and her crew found.

I walk into the gym and see that a bunch of furs where gathered around the boxing ring. I couldn't see anything but someone noticed and let me in front of them. In the ring there was a muscular bear fur with a large beer gut and.....

Me: is that Sheila Johnson?

Random fur: yep she's bout to whoop that guys ass. He said some pretty sexist shit.

I watch as the match starts and Sheila just knocked him out with one fast and hard kick to the side of his head.

Me: damn dude didn't even see that coming.

The bear fur gets dragged off the ring by I'm guessing was his friends. They carry him out the gym to their car. I was about to walk away from the ring and headed to the virtual training room. Technology has been becoming more and more advanced because of the stuff my mom digs up from the bunkers she's finding.

I walk into the room.

Room ai: VIP account accepted preferences set.


I walk out the room exhausted covered in bruises.

Sheila: Impressive.

I turn around to see Sheila looking at the re play on the screen. She turns to me.

Sheila: Where'd you learn how to fight like that?

Feeling a little nervous to talk to her my speech comes out stuttered. She's been one of my biggest celebrity crushes for a while now.

Me: M-my G-girlfriend t-taught me what she new.

Sheila: fighting dirty and in the dark?

I put my glasses on because the sunlight from the window in the front. After putting them on I see someone standing on taahe roof of the building
Across from the building. I blink a couple Times and they are gone.

Sheila: what are you looking at?

Me: thought I saw something.


I feel like something is watching me again and I turn around to see the same exact figure from before looking at me again from the top of a taller building.

Abby: you ok babe?

Me: it's either my schizophrenia or someone is watching me.

Abby looks where I'm looking at.

Abby: it's not your schizophrenia I see them too.

She pushes me along and we get into her car.

Me: I've been seeing that guy everywhere I've been going.

Abby: yeah I'm not leaving you alone for awhile.


I'm walking with Sheila her and my girlfriend's had a talk with out me I don't know what it was about. But she's been teaching me lots of combat reversals and counters.

While me and Sheila are walking she suddenly just drops to the ground out of nowhere and I quickly go to check on her and there was a small dart in her neck I pull it out and smelled it. It was tranquilizer. Before I could pull my phone out to call the cops I'm thrown through the door of the building me and Sheila was in front of. I quickly get up off the ground only to see the doors and windows of the buildings get covered by large metal shudders that lock in place.

Zombies, Furries, And A HumanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz