chapter 4: island sweet island

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I'm woken up by the ships horn going off. I crawl out of bed and see a note on my living quarters door saying

"We went up top we wanted to let you sleep in you deserved it after helping ships crew the entire trip"

-Abby and Jackie


I was crawling through one of the ships vents humming the Mission Impossible song to myself trying to find a way into a room that was sealed off by accident. And since I was the only small person on the ship that could fit in the vents.

Captain on walkie-talkie: ok mister impossible did you find the room yet?

Me: if I'm reading this map right I should be right ab- OH SHIT!!!!!

I fall through the grate and land on the floor of the room I was supposed to get into.

Captain on walkie-talkie : Trent? Are you ok? Your mom and girlfriends will kill me if you're hurt!!!

I get up off the floor.

Me: yes I'm ok I just fell through the vent grate


I take a shower brush my teeth and put on the clothes I got for exploring the island.

The island was found off the coast of Alaska and right now it's winter for Alaska so it's fucking cold outside the ship. Once I get to the top deck I get sweeped up by Jackie and she holds me close wrapping a blanket around both of us.

Jackie: Thank god you got up here it's colder than a witches tit out here.

She wrapped her arms around me tighter.

Jackie: At least me and Abby have you to cuddle up with.

Abby walks up and kisses me on the forehead.

Abby: Good morning tiny.~

Me: good morning.

I can feel Jackie shivering through her winter clothes.

Jackie: My species isn't meant for cold weather.

Me: good thing I made that tail cover for you.

Jackie gives me a squeeze.

Jackie: thanks for that.


We got off the boat and the feeling of me being here just felt weird. Like breathing in the air here just stirred something in me.

Jackie: you coming Trent?

Me: yeah I'm coming.

I quickly catch up with everyone.

Jackie: so what's your mom like? I've only really talked to her on the phone when something happened in school.

Me: she's a busy lady but she always found time to spend with me. If she couldn't she would apologize and make up for it next time. Which she doesn't need to do I understand why she isn't always able to come see me.

Jackie: she seems like she really cares about you.

We keep walking to the camp site.

Me: she wanted kids for awhile because she couldn't have any herself so she decided to take me in.


we got to the research camp and I'm met with getting picked up and put into a bone crushing hug.

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