Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Charlie has me wait in his room while he tries to convince his parents to let him come with me and my Mum to Paris to see my Dad. It's funny, him and I don't really speak; I'm not even out to him yet, unless David told him, but when I got the news, my whole world stopped. I mean, he's my Dad and I could have lost him without him even really knowing who I am. And I know that it is his fault more than mine, I barely see him so when would I even have the opportunity to have that conversation with him? But now that this has happened, I think I want to be more honest with him. Let him know how much it hurts that he is so absent in my life; tell him about my life, tell him about me and Charlie. Charlie walks in the room and sits down next to me.

"They're just calling your Mum to see where we'll be staying and things like that and to make sure she's okay with me going; did you even ask her if it was okay? I don't want them to catch her off guard."
"Before I left the house, she told me if it would make things easier for me, you could come, so I'm assuming she has some idea," I say as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Are you sure they won't mind you missing school? I'm not sure how long we're staying."

He lets out a small laugh.

"I don't know if you remember this, but I'm a nerd. Missing a couple of days of school isn't a big deal for me, now you on the other hand," he teases, trying to brighten up my mood.

I slightly smile at him.

"Guess you're just going to have to do my homework for me when we get back."
"Looks like it," he says as he kisses my forehead. "Your teachers will definitely wonder how your grades got so much better though, I'll try my best to get you B's instead of A's," he teases as he playfully pushes me. 

Mum comes to pick us up and chats with Charlie's parents while Charlie packs.

"I don't know how much clothes to bring, what if I run out?"

I roll my eyes but slightly smile.

"I think they have washing machines where we're going," I joke.

He turns his head and smiles at me.

"I hope your Mum packed extra jumpers because I'm not going to bring any so I can wear all of yours."
"Well that's no surprise," I say as I walk over to him.

He wraps his arms around me and I melt into his arms.

"Thanks for being here. I don't know how I'd do this without you."
"That's something you'll never have to wonder," he says as he pulls away from the hug and kisses me.

I'm so worried for Nick. I've never had to deal with a situation like this. I've never came close to losing someone; let alone one of my parents. I know there is not much I can say in a situation like this, so I'm just happy that my parents are letting me go with him so I can be there with him, for him. I finish packing and we all get on the train to Paris. I grab Nick's hand and squeeze it gently. The train ride is pretty much silent between the three of us. I know Nick's parents aren't together anymore, but even still, Sara seems pretty torn up about the situation. I wonder if it's for her own emotions, or if she's worried strictly because he is her kids' father. We arrive in Paris in what feels like days but also minutes. I can feel myself starting to get anxious but try to bury it away. This isn't about me. We take a taxi straight to the hospital and rush inside. Nick's grip on my hand tightens and I can tell that he is internally freaking out. His Mum goes to the front desk to talk to the receptionist and I look at him.

"It's going to be okay," I say.

He shakes his head.

"Is it wrong that the first thing I want to do after making sure he is okay is scream at him? I mean, he could have, he might have -- " 

He takes a deep breath, stopping himself from letting the tears escape.

"He could have died. He could have died and I haven't seen him in years. He doesn't even know this huge thing I just went through. He doesn't know about you," he says as he's pacing back and forth. "How am I suppose to go in there and act like the only emotion I'm feeling is relieved when it's not? I mean, of course I'm relieved that he's stable and they expect him to be fine, but it okay that I'm also extremely disappointed? Angry even?"

I look at him and my heart is truly breaking for him.

"Nick, of course you can feel all those things. You're justified in every emotion you have towards him. But maybe, maybe this is an opportunity for you guys to build a real relationship. Maybe lead with the fact that you are relieved he is okay, but maybe don't leave here without expressing how you feel about everything else. You deserve that opportunity and who knows, maybe he'll surprise you."

Nick smiles slightly at me. I can tell that he is still so uneasy, but he seems a little better. His Mum walks over to us and lets us know that he's awake and can see visitors.

"Mum, if it's alright with you, I'd like to go talk to him first, alone," Nick says.

She pulls him into a hug and nods her head.

"Okay, Charlie and I will be here if you need us."

[I already said this in my Off To Uni! chapter but just want to thank you guys again for sticking by me. I know it's been awhile since I've posted but we officially moved and I should be able to go back to posting weekly. I do plan to do a time jump on this story too, but it won't be until the end of the NEXT chapter!]

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