Chapter Twenty.

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CHAPTER TWENTY. (or Nineteen - Part Two since I cut it short on Friday which is why this Chapter is also short :p )

As I'm finishing up my homework I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see Nick who I cannot for the life of me tell if he's upset or angry, or both. His eyes look puffy but his expression reads rage. I see Nellie push his hand with her nose.

"I just... I just," he begins to say as he pulls me into a hug. 
"I just needed to see you," he says quietly.

I squeeze him tighter and kiss the back of his neck before pulling away.

"Come on, lets go out back," I say as we walk into the backyard.

We get into the backyard and Nick lets Nellie off her leash so she can run around. We both sit down and Nick places his head on my shoulder.

"Was it that awful?" I say, almost afraid to ask.

He scoffs.

"Just remember how awful I said I thought it would be and multiply it by a hundred," he begins. "I pushed him onto the stairs."
"Oh no," I say. 
"It's just the IGNORANCE of that guy. It's bad enough I have to and am going to have to continue to deal with it at school because of Harry; but my FAMILY? David and I never got along but a SMALL part of me wanted to at least believe that he was going to be better about this."
"What did he say?"
"He kept calling me gay. Even when I corrected him; even when Mum corrected him. He laughed. And then, when I got defensive he literally told me that having a boyfriend has made me a sissy."

I hit my forehead with my hand.

"What an idiot," I say.
"So that's when I pushed him."
"And your Mum?"
"She was a mess. She made David apologize but what a joke that was. I just, I needed to get out of there," he says with a sigh.

I placed my hand on his.

"I'm sorry you're dealing with this."
"I don't know how you dealt with it for so long," he says.
"It helped that I had a safe space to come home to. So I'm sorry you won't have that while he's here. I'll be your safe space for the week," I say.
"You're my safe space always," he says as he pulls me into another hug.

I can tell that Nick is feeling better as he begins to play with Nellie so I join him.

"Can we also, now that some time has passed, acknowledge the fact that I am never there when you get physical with someone who deserves it?"

He looks up at me and laughs.

"Why do you want to see me push or punch someone?"

I shrug as I blush.

"I don't know... it's kind of hot," I say. "At least when it's deserved and the other person on the receiving end is a homophobic jerk."

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

"You think I'm hot?" He whispers as I feel chills throughout my entire body.
"Like you didn't already know that," I say with a smile.


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