Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight.

As we carry Charlie downstairs and wait for my Mum, I see Charlie looking like he's in some pain. I bend down so we are at eye level.

"Hey, are you okay? I want to ask you a couple of questions," I say.

He slightly smiles.

"If you're going to ask me to prom or to marry you or something, this seems like a very inappropriate time," he teases.

I shake my head and smile.

"I'm serious. What's your name?"
"Charlie Spring."
"When's your birthday?"
"April 27th."
"Who am I?"
"Nicholas Nelson, my super handsome boyfriend."
"Your super sarcastic sister is very much over this cuteness. How's your head?" Tori asks.
"It hurts. Do you guys think I'll need stitches?"
"Maybe a stitch or two," I say.
"I called Mum and Dad. Dad's on his way," Tori says.

I hear a horn beep outside.

"Come on, that's Mum," I say as I get Charlie to his feet. 
"Can you walk?" Tori asks.
"Yeah, I think I'm okay to walk," Charlie says as he takes some steps towards the door.

Charlie is now able to walk on his own, but I can see that he is clearly in a lot of pain. We get to the car, Tori automatically goes in the front seat so I'm able to sit with Charlie. I smile slightly at her.

"I thought I would take my clumsiness to the next level today apparently," He says as he slightly chuckles; but then winces in pain and grabs his head.

We arrive at the hospital and see Charlie's Dad waiting for us.

"CHARLIE!" He says as he runs over to us. "How did this happen?"
"Dad, lets make sure Charlie is okay first before you laugh at him," She says sarcastically.

Charlie laughs.

"Stop making me laugh right now," Charlie says.

We walk inside and sit down in the waiting room while Charlie's Dad fills out some forms. It doesn't take long before someone calls his name.

"Only one person in the room with him," the Doctor says.

Charlie's Dad looks at me and Tori.

"I'll come out with an update once we have one," he says as he walks through the doors with Charlie.

We go inside and the doctor asks me a lot of questions, some of which Nick had already asked. To be honest, I don't think I have a concussion, but it does really hurt. The Doctor than proceeds to look at the cut on my head.

"Ow," I say.
"Sorry, but yes, it looks like you're going to need a stitch or two. When did you fall again?"
"Probably about an hour ago."
"Okay, so we are going to stitch you up and then depending on how long that takes, we'll probably keep you here for another hour or so just to observe you, make sure you're not showing any signs of a concussion. Do you feel tired or anything?"

I shake my head.

"Just in pain," I say with a slight smile.
"After we stitch you up, we'll give you a prescription that you can take home for the pain. We are going to have to cut part of you hair --"

I cut him off.

"Are you serious?"

The Doctor laughs.

"You won't even be able to tell."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"That's my son. Getting stitches in his head but is worried about his hair," Dad jokes.

The doctor leaves to get everything he needs.

"So how did this happen now that we know you're okay?"
"I slipped on juice that I spilled and hit my head on the corner of the dresser."

Dad tries to stop his laugh but I see the smile.

"Gee, thanks Dad, I really appreciate the laughing."
"I'm sorry Charlie but you are the clumsiest person I know."

Dad goes out to update Nick and Tori while the Doctor brings me to another room to stitch me up. Once they are done, I walk out and see Dad talking to the Doctors and handing him a prescription. I walk over to them.

"Did they cut your hair?" Tori asks as she lightly touches it.

I glare at the Doctor and he laughs.

"Almost no one will notice that we had to cut your hair," he says, correcting himself with a soft smile. 

We all walk to Dad's car and get inside.

"Am I allowed to laugh now at how this happened?" Nick asks.
"Not you too!!" I say.

We all laugh and drive home.

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