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            A word I'd never heard before yet somehow, I know. I've been shrouded in darkness, unable to dream or see for what has felt like an impossible amount of time. It's as if the shutters have peeled back to let the light in. This dream is more like a memory, really. It is vivid, bright and beautiful— I welcome the memory, despite the unshakeable feeling it's not my own. Cascading waterfalls descend into a circular darkness. I look down, and the enormity of the pit is dizzying. This natural wonder is unlike anything I'd ever seen— and the glorious city that sits upon the precipice is the crowning jewel. 

            A sound like thunder in the clouds comes up from the pit. I want to brace myself against the wind but slender, feminine arms which definitely don't belong to me, do nothing to shield me. A long braid tails behind me like a whipcord in the wind. This is not my body. I cannot move, I'm paralyzed as my awe fights against terror– forced to view this scene through the eyes of a stranger. I have to remember who I am–

            My name is Malachi, son of Noa Terrada and Kalima Velurien... My name is Malachi, son of Noa and Kalima... Mon nomme Malachi...

            I repeat the words to no avail. The scene overtakes me. The sky is otherwise clear and blue, despite smoke wafting up toward the heavens in the distance. Slowly, something emerges from the pit. Large wings easily spanning wider than a row of houses block out the sun. A beast so magnificent, with shining, iridescent scales reflecting the blue of the water slowly rises into the sky. Her powerful wings beat the rhythm which had initially struck fear into my heart. Now, an indescribable warmth settles over me, like a mother's caress would lull me to peace.

            "Leiolaciya!" My mouth opens to speak but a woman's voice comes out instead. No– not my mouth at all. Her mouth. The beast turns her head, angling her long neck to change direction. With all the power of a thousand beating drums, the enormous winged creature descends with two mighty pumps of her wings. She's riding a downward current, swooping low to land beside me. Her taloned paws land with an ear shattering thud. I watch those massive wings fold in on themselves, pressing against the beast's reptilian body. A dragon, I realize. Leiolaciya is a dragon.

            "How is your little one?" My thoughts are not my own, a feminine voice humms within my chest. Like the strumming of a stringed instrument.

            "His heart is strong. And how is your little viper? I sense your discomfort," To my great surprise, the dragon responds to the question. They're communicating telepathically, their thoughts echoing within their own minds.

            "Yes, he loves to kick." I look down and discover a pregnant belly. Not my belly, this isn't me, my name is Malachi...

            "Also a sign of strength."

            The dragon emanates a great wisdom, her mind as ancient as her kind. Somehow, I know that dragons are interconnected on a spiritual level despite living at different times throughout history. They share their experiences, despite living apart from one another. The knowledge suddenly permeating my mind is almost too much to bear. I can almost mistake it for intrinsic knowledge– but no– I was not aware dragons existed, nor of their telepathic abilities, or their God-sworn oath to serve the Velurian line. The Velurian line?

            "Leiolaciya, you need not worry for him." Her egg. An unfathomable feeling washes over me, tugging, pulling at my mind. Her egg is in that pit.

            The dragon's rider steps forth, laying a hand flat against Leiolaciya's forehead. She closes her sapphire eyes.

            "I do not worry. He will have the guidance of his ancestors, and the strength of my heart."

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