Ch 9: Allegiance...

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The race to the pyramid went by in a blur. You vaguely remember what happened, only the sensations you felt. The wind blowing past you carrying an Egyptian scent, the desert sands crunching beneath your hurried steps, and a feeling that could only be described as bittersweet anticipation churning in your stomach.

You had never seen the Great Pyramid at Giza in person, and were struck by it's magnificence upon arrival. Harrow's gentle hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your reverie.

"Y/N, I need you to stay out here with the others. I will enter the pyramid, and free Ammit with permission from the counsel." He whispered.

"How do you know they'll grant approval?" You asked.

"I will manipulate the conversation so that it is not directed towards Ammit's freedom, but rather Khonshu's damnation. They will, then, be forced to free her in order to testify against Khonshu."

"Okay..." You nodded, trepidation growing inside you. "Just... just promise me you'll be careful."

"I swear." He answered, sincerity showing in his eyes. "She may use me as her voice; her avatar, but I will always be yours.

The gravity with which he spoke affected you deeply, bringing tears to your eyes.

"I fucking love you, Harrow." You spoke through gritted teeth, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I love you, too... more than you know." He whispered back, pure love glowing in his features.

With that, he entered the pyramid, leaving you to wrestle with your thoughts and emotions.

You loved that man more than anything in the entire world, and you wanted nothing more than for him to be happy and feel fulfilled. Selfishly, however, you wanted him for yourself. Ammit was a threat to your relationship with Harrow, and threats should be eliminated. Then again, you would never do anything to hurt Harrow, and stopping Ammit would destroy him.

She saved his life, and so he felt indebted to her. That's why he had pledged his life to her. Harrow was your Ammit, you released in sudden revelation. He had saved your life, so you had devoted yourself to him.

You sighed heavily, the weight of your worries bearing down on you.

The figure of the pyramid loomed before you. What had appeared majestic and awe-inspiring only minutes ago, now seemed dark and hateful. The discourse that was taking place inside would decide the fate of all you held dear. If the incident at the museum had been any indication of what Ammit would do to Harrow, you wanted nothing more than to prevent that from happening.

It was with sickening premonition that you came to your conclusion. 'My allegiance to Ammit is being tested.' You thought. 'But I have no allegiance to Ammit... only to Arthur Harrow.'

Allegiance To Ammit (Sequel to 'The Scales Don't Lie') //Arthur Harrow//Where stories live. Discover now