Ch 5: Nowhere Safe

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You stood against one of the many decorated pillars of the London Museum. You felt as if that pillar was the sole thing supporting your body. It was as if your life force had been snatched from your soul.

Your eyes slowly make their way over to Harrow. There he stood in the center of the exhibit, his back turned to you. You couldn't see his face, but you imagined he was just as devastated as you.

Slowly, you walked over to Harrow.

"Arthur..." You whispered.

He didn't move.

Gingerly, you placed your hand on his shoulder.

Instantly, he snapped, bolting around and grabbing you by the neck. A purple light shone from his eyes. He wasn't himself. He seemed... possessed.

An overwhelming wave of fear washed over you. His grip was like a metal vice on your neck. You felt the air being strangled in your throat, making you unable to breathe. You knew you needed to act fast in order to stay conscious.

"Arthur..." You whispered. "Arthur, it- it's me. S- stop."

He was entirely unaffected by your words. His grip only tightened.

You felt like you were dying. You could practically feel the bones cracking in your neck breaking. It was the most agonizing pain you had ever experienced.

This was not Arthur Harrow. This was someone else. Your Arthur would never hurt you. Your precious lover was not present in this human shell.

You felt your consciousness slipping away as you slowly faded away into darkness.

With one last desperate attempt, you croaked out his name. "Arthur..." You said, tears streaming down your pale face.

Instantly, the grip on your neck released, and you fell to the floor.

You took a gasping breath, sweet relief flooding through you as you felt the air fill your lungs.

As you regained feeling in your appendages, you felt a warm hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N!" You heard Harrow say, pure concern and worry in his voice.

You turned to face him. His eyes were once again a cloudy shade of blue. His face was riddled with confusion and fear.

"Y/N, what happened?" He asked, oblivious to the harm he had caused.

You stared at him, an unpleasant mixture of emotions flowing through you: Confusion, fear, relief... you weren't sure what to feel.

"Arthur?" You whispered timidly, needing to make sure that the man kneeling before you was the same man you shared a bed with.

"What?" He asked, his confusion only growing. "What is it, darling?"

You wanted to speak, but you didn't know what to say. You didn't know what was happening, so how could you explain it to Harrow? How could you tell your unknowing lover that he had just tried to strangle you?

"Y/N, what happened?" He asked again, an intensity in his tone brought on by fear.

"You..." You began, whispering, still in shock. "You tried to strangle me."

His brows furrowed, utter confusion showing on his face.

"What?" He whispered, disbelief in his voice.

"You... you tried to strangle me." You said, tears pouring down your cheeks, the reality of the situation setting in.

"What?" He whispered again, his voice cracking.

"Your eyes turned purple." You sobbed. "You grabbed me by the neck, and you choked me."

"Oh god." He whispered. "Oh god!" He said again, emotion flooding his voice.

He took you in his arms, hugging you tightly.

"Oh god, Y/N, I'm so sorry." He said in your ear, his voice and expression full of remorse and fear.

You sank into his arms, physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. You felt warm and loved as he embraced you, but you didn't feel safe. Not even Harrow could make you feel safe anymore. Even he had been used against you. Everything was against you. There was nowhere safe for you anymore.

Allegiance To Ammit (Sequel to 'The Scales Don't Lie') //Arthur Harrow//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora