It's several minutes before the boy stops crying, sniffling and wiping at his face, put not moving far from Accelerator, who has clearly resigned himself to staying down for the moment, if the way he lets go of the crutch and lets it sink into its case is any clue, even more so as he sinks to a sit rather than a kneel, obviously trying to get more comfortable instead of leaving the kid alone like he probably should've and most people would've. The little boy takes that as an invitation, crawling forward and then settling with his back to the albino's chest, giving them their first real look at him. He's got blue eyes that are so light they almost look like the sky, and his hair is short but tidy looking silver color, that almost looks gray, while his skin is a bit darker than expected. He's got on a cute little duck shift and he's wearing shorts, tennis shoes on his feet, and he - without a bit of hesitation or worry - easily grabs at one of the pale, thin, small hands of the albino, playing with the fingers while still being gentle.

It's clear from the surprise on the teen's face that no one has ever done this to him, never played with his fingers like he couldn't potentially kill them while they were doing so, never trusted him completely to not hurt them in any way, turning their back to him and giving him every opportunity to hurt them, but he also looks soft, gentle, calm, gently shifting his fingers around to keep the boy's attention, bringing the other hand in on it as he starts to look around, likely trying to find a frantic parent or sibling, anyone who the kid might belong to. He continues to absentmindedly entertain the kid as he looks around, but it's clear from the furrow in his brow that he has not spotted anyone, so he turns his attention back to the kid. "Oi, brat, you got a name?" The kid blinks and tips their head back to look at him, instead of turning, giving him a little giggle. "Name?" The word is a bit slurred, but clear in its pronunciation. "Yeah, what's your name?" Perhaps without meaning to or even noticing, the albino pokes the kid gently on the chest to make his words clearer.

The kids' eyes light up, clearly happy and excited. "Me Zack. You?" Accelerator takes that information in, before blinking in surprise at the return question, clearly trying to figure out how to answer since his name is not something he remembers and honestly, Accelerator is probably way too hard for the kid to even attempt, given what his vocabulary appears to be. "You can call me Ace, yeah? Now, where are your parents?" His face has gone soft, all the sharp edges and darkness currently hidden away in order to help the tiny kid in his lap, who gives him a pout, tears starting to gather in his eyes, "Mommy? Daddy? I no know. Lost." The tears start to fall again and it's clear the albino panics a little, the way his shoulders jolt and his fingers wiggle in the kid's grasp, easily drawing his attention, though that doesn't really solve their problem.

With a sigh that sounds entirely tired, the albino shifts and then turns his head towards the park, which is still just barely able to be seen at the edges of the video. "Oi, brat!" He makes his voice louder, but the tone is still soft and gentle, nothing more than a way to grab her attention without bothering the boy in his lap. "What? Asks Misaka Misaka, wondering what might have you calling her in a tone like that as she hurries over in worry at seeing her guardian on the ground." Last Order comes into view, blinking as she comes from behind and to his side, stopping as she spots the small kid in his lap. "Who is this? Asks Misaka Misaka, wondering if perhaps you had a kid at some point." Accelerator clicks his tongue and gently swats the tiny Sister, making it clear what he thinks of that.

"Go see if you can find an Anti-Skill or Judgment person, yeah? You remember how to find them, yes?" He clearly is repeating information, though when he first told her any of that is not entirely clear. "Yes, declares Misaka Misaka, as she hurries off to find a person with an arm band or armor-" The tiny girl goes too far to be heard anymore, leaving the albino sitting with a tiny kid on his lap, who looks like they're about to fall asleep honestly. Accelerator shifts, trying to get his right leg a bit more comfortable given it doesn't typically like being bent like it currently is, let alone for a long duration of time, but who knows how long it'll be before Last Order comes back with anyone and he can't carry the kid with his crutch, or use his powers since he's still limited. It's quiet for a bit, nothing but the sound of the other kids playing nearby and occasionally the wind with it's small soft breeze, Zack occupied with the fingers and hands in his, his eyes starting to droop more and more, blinks getting slower until they're barely happening, his breathing getting slower until he does indeed slip into sleep right on the albino's lap, chest rising and falling steadily, head slumped forward a bit, fingers still wrapped entirely around two of the albino's, since that is all he can grab, with how small his hands are, the cute little shit.

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