Pulling them

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3rd pov

Accelerator grinds his teeth. He'd been feeling the urge to go somewhere all day, with it getting stronger the longer he ignored it. Last Order seems bothered too, shifting and squirming where she sits, face furrowed in confusion as she tries to understand the urge she's getting as well. Yomikawa and Yoshikawa watch in amusement, waiting for either of their charges to break. They can feel the urge as well, but are far more used to pushing such things aside, like getting black out drunk or staying up nights on end to research, having young people to watch over.

To no one's surprise, Accelerator snaps first, grabbing his cane and storming towards the door, Last Order right on his heels, the two women following with the car keys. It takes a few moments for them to reach the car, Accelerator pacing next to it and Last Order ready to open her door, practically vibrating in place. The women spare an amused look, before Yoshikawa gets in the driver seat, Yomikawa taking the passenger and the other two getting in the back, all more than ready to get rid of this fuckin urge that's been on them all day. They take off, Yoshikawa following the urges, though it's a bit hard since the directions aren't exactly clear, only coming at the last moment sometimes.

They ultimately pull up to a warehouse, way on the outskirts of the city, all of them climbing out. It doesn't take long for them to head for the nearest door, unsurprised when it opens. None of them realize anything is different until the door closes behind them, Accelerator tensing as all the vectors he knew are suddenly changed and different, Last Order freezing for a moment as her connection with her Sisters is dimmed, though it thankfully does not cut off completely. 

"Well, fuck. We aren't  anywhere I know anymore."

"Agreed. Something is wrong here, Misaka Misaka says as she observes the area, finally seeing the barrier around this place."

There are a few couches and chairs, as well as a table in the middle and everything is facing a giant screen on the wall.

"May as well get comfortable!"

Accelerator grumbles as he follows Yoshikawa, settling on a couch and sprawling out, protesting as Last Order crawls on him, shoving his legs apart and settling on his chest, a small smile on her lips, even as she falls asleep. Yoshikawa and Yomikawa take the chairs nearby, watching their charges in amusement. 


Touma had felt like something horrible was going to happen all day, but nothing had happened and it's making him twitchy. Mikoto and Index appeared to be feeling the same way, both of them moving far more often than usual, with small sparks coming off Mikoto and Index gnawing absentmindedly on food without really tasting it all of her attention elsewhere. Of course, they can feel whatever's going on as well, both getting more and more irritated, before Mikoto finally stands from their table and leaves, money left behind. Touma and Index follow, more than tired of the feeling hanging over them as well.

The place they appear to be going is pretty far away, the directions horrible and not at all consistent, sometimes having them go backwards and other times being perfectly clear. It takes them well over an hour to get where they're going and they are more than tired at that point, vaguely noticing the car parked nearby, but more angry at the feeling that's over their heads. Mikoto shoves the door open, marching in, tensing as the feeling gets stronger. Index frowns at the feelings she's getting from here, while Touma trips entering, the door slamming shut and changing the atmosphere. The lightning Mikoto uses is far weaker, as she zaps it between her fingers, watching, Index studying the time and space barrier she can see around this building. 

Touma just sighs, more than used to the weird shit he gets mixed up in at this point, trying extremely hard to care but just unable to muster the will. This is the other shoe that he had been expecting for most of the day and now that its here, he can't deny that he's glad it's just this super weird warehouse, with couches, chairs and a table... some of which have occupants. The two girls seem to realize that as well, getting into defensive positions, only to stop once they spot who it actually is. 

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