I couldn’t help but feel awkward in the situation we were in. He was sort of hugging me, and my left hand was wrapped around his neck.

“Uh, no. I was just having a look at it. Not my style.” I lied and stood upright.

“Thank you,” I added, and he nodded in response.

He was tall and handsome. I had to crane my neck when I talked with him. His blue eyes made him even look more attractive, and he was wearing a suit.

If I had never met Marco before, I probably would have gone nuts over this guy.

I could say that he was also every girl’s fantasy.

He had the total package.

Without saying anything, he dragged me inside a jewelry shop.

“What are you doing? Why are we here?” I uttered nervously.

“Hi, ma’am. Hi, sir. Welcome to our shop.” This greeting came from a girl who was clearly trying to look and sound cute in front of the guy that I was with.

I wanted to laugh, because she reminded me of a duck with her way of trying to be adorable. Though I held back my laughter because I didn’t want to offend her.

“I want to buy something for my sister. It’s her birthday, and I want to give her something special. Can you help me?”

I heaved a sigh of relief at his words.

I wouldn’t have pegged him as a sweet person. Guys who made an effort to buy you a birthday present were rare.

“Yeah, sure.” I started looking around, and he followed me.

We appeared to be a couple to anyone who looked at us, because wherever I went, he followed.

“This one. This is perfect.” I said, pointing to a bracelet with an infinity design.

He looked at it from behind me while resting his two hands on the glass jewelry case. It was as if he was hugging me from behind.

“It symbolizes everlasting love,” he whispered, causing the hairs on my skin to stand.

Our situation was so awkward.

“Yeah, everlasting love for your sister,” I said and looked at him. Though I probably made the wrong move, because he was also looking at me. Just one push, and we would be kissing.

I held my breath because we were so close to each other. From the corner of my eye, I could see that other people in the shop were staring at us. Including the staff.

“Miss, I’ll get this one.” I heaved a sigh of relief when he pulled away from me.

“Which one, sir?” The saleslady asked in a flirty voice.

“The infinity bracelet,” he replied.

“Okay, sir.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the other corner, following the saleslady. “I’ll also get this one.”

My eyes widened when I saw that the necklace I wanted was what he was purchasing.

I bowed my head because I felt so bad. If only I had money, I would’ve been able to buy it myself.

I badly wanted that necklace. It was so pleasing to the eyes.

“Okay, sir.” I shifted my gaze to the ground when I saw the saleslady was wrapping it. I wanted to cry and throw a tantrum, though it would be embarrassing if I did so.

I was taken aback when he made me wear the necklace.

“What are you doing?” Perhaps he was just pulling my leg.

“It’s for you. So stop sulking. It doesn’t suit you.” He said while laughing. I frowned.

“Thank you,” I told him as I held the pendant. “It’s so pretty,” I said softly.

“It’s a gift for you, because you helped me,” he said with a smile.

A gift? It would be disconcerting if I didn’t accept it. Besides, I really wanted this necklace.

He paid for the product that I chose, along with the necklace that I was wearing. It was my first time receiving an expensive necklace.

Marco had never given me what I wanted ever since we got married. Even my ring was fake. So I was grinning from ear to ear because someone had given me this present, even though I didn’t know the giver.

“By the way, I’m Charles. Charles Falcon.” He stretched out his hand.

“Mira Alf- Cruz.” I almost uttered my last name. If Marco found out that I didn’t use his last name in introducing myself, I would be in trouble.

“Do you have any plans today?”

Shoot. I cast a sudden glance at his watch.

It was 12:30, and I still had to go to Marco’s workplace.

“I’m sorry, but I really need to go. It was nice meeting you, Charles. Thank you again for the necklace. Bye.” I rushed outside and hailed a taxi.

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