Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I woke up feeling thirsty, so I went to the kitchen to grab a drink. I was about to return to the room when I spotted Marco’s polo in the living room. Oh, he’s already home.

I hurried upstairs, doing my best to not make any noise, as I did not want to wake Marco up.

I wanted to see him. I barely reached Marco’s room when I heard the moans of a girl and my husband. A pang shot through my chest.

Because I was a full-blown martyr, I kept walking and opened the door leading to Marco’s room. I saw their stark naked bodies.

What a couple of pigs!


They slightly stopped what they were doing but when they saw me. Marco’s face darkened when he saw me.

Does he hate me that much?

“Honey, your maid is here,” the girl said dramatically.

How would you like it if I strangled you, you bitch? I screamed internally.

“What are you doing here, bitch? Lock that door. You’re disturbing us.” He said, evidently irritated that I interrupted their moment.

I did as I was told. I entered my room and huddled in my bed.

Do I really deserve this? I asked myself as tears spilled from my eyes.


I prepared breakfast for Marco. Even though my eyes were swollen from crying, and I felt like a zombie, I did not pay heed to it. I did not need to doll myself up, because I already had a husband.

I was furious about what happened last night, though I forced myself to get to work. When I heard the sound of footsteps getting louder, I quickly finished preparing the food and grabbed a plate.

My smile faded when I saw Marco. His hot little number was with him. I lost my appetite, so I intentionally slammed the utensils on the table and turned away from them.

Fuck these eyes; the tears were coming again. I took a moment to calm myself, waiting for Marco to leave.

*ring* *ring*

I looked at my cellphone when it started ringing. My best friend Kyla was calling.

“Hello, Ky,” I greeted her as I answered the call.

“Are you okay?”
Was it that obvious that I was sad? Just by hearing my voice, she could sense my mood?

“Yes, I’m fine. Why did you call, Ky? Is there a problem?” I forced myself to sound cheerful so that she would not worry anymore.

“Uhm, it’s Nathan’s birthday today. Can you come to the party, bestie? I miss you already.”

Oh yeah, it’s her brother’s birthday. I felt as if it wasn’t so long ago when I attended his last birthda party.

“Uhm, I’m just gonna inform Marco, bestie.”

“Okay, bestie. I’ll wait for you. Take care. I love you.”

“You too, bestie, take care. I love you, too.” I said before I ended the call.

When I calmed down, I headed downstairs so I could tell Marco where I was going. No doubt he would get angry if I left the house without telling him.

I suddenly felt my knees go weak at what I saw. He was doing something that he never did to me before, which was feed me. He could not even bring himself to eat with me, and yet he was sweet to others.

Although I was shaking with anger because of the leech sitting beside him, I forced myself to approach him to inform him of my plans.

“Marco, may I go to Kyla’s house later? It’s her brother’s birthday, and she invited me.” I said and bit my lip when his nostrils flared.

But instead of Marco replying, his leech answered my question.

“Hey, bitch. My honey doesn’t care about you, so he won’t stop you from going anywhere you want. You’re not worth it, duh.” She said, rolling her eyes at me.

I shifted my attention to Marco when he spoke.

“Do whatever you want,” he said sharply and left.

“Honey, wait for me!” The leech yelled before she shot me a look. “Great, now you’ve ruined the mood; stop feeling so special. Tsk.” She rolled her eyes at me and followed Marco.

Do I really need to suffer this much?

Am I not special?

To be continue ❤️

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