Chapter 10

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Sweaty bodies grinding on each other, moving sensually to the beat on the dance floor. I was hit by the smell of smoke, irritating my nose. Lights were flickering all over the room. Music was blasting through the speakers; I might end up deaf by the time I leave this place. Round sofas had been placed on each side of the room.

I sat on a stool near the bartender. Marco didn’t know that I was here. I left without informing him. I just wanted to forget everything. I wanted to forget all of the pain.

“One hard drink,” I told the bartender boldly.

“B-but ma’am… You’re all by yourself. One hard drink will get you drunk quickly.” He said, a hint of concern in his voice.

“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” I lied.

I turned off my phone to avoid disturbances. Marco wasn’t going to call me, anyways.

Why would I keep expecting? He has feelings for someone else, right? So why would he care about me?

“Okay, ma’am.”

Immediately, I chugged down the hard drink that he put down in front of me. I had not even had two drinks yet, but I was already seeing double.

Idiotic self, it’s a hard drink. I told myself stupidly.

The alcohol was too bitter. Just as my life was too bitter.

I waited for him to love me. I sacrificed everything; I was too blinded by my love for him. Without even noticing that I had neglected myself. But what did he say? He still loved her? What the fuck?

I had nearly three hard drinks. My vision became blurry, and my throat was dry from having one drink after the other.

I felt someone sit on the stool beside me and turn in my direction.

“Hi, gorgeous. Are you alone?”

“Do you see someone beside me that I don’t see?” My bitchy side was coming out because of the alcohol. It was one of the side effects that I experienced whenever I drank. I became hot-headed.

“You’re funny. Still the same as before, I see.” He was laughing like an idiot and downed his glass.

“Funny, my ass. You boys are all the same. A bunch of heartbreakers.” I said coldly before I stood up and started walking away.


She kept walking so I followed her. She held the wall for support and bowed her head. Then she started throwing up until she lost consciousness. I quickly caught her and carried her bridal-style to the room service counter.

It was my bar, so I brought her to my personal room.

It’s been one year, and you’re still as lovely as ever. An angelic face that made me fall in love. I thought I was merely hallucinating earlier but I wasn’t. It’s a good thing that Mom made me go here, because I got to see you.

I let you go, because I thought that he would take care of you. Damn that guy.

“I love you, my princess.” I planted a kiss on her forehead before I walked out of the room.

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