It's a lot of conflicting emotions seeing the person you love most in your life get everything he ever wanted, and you just watch from afar as he chases his dream.

I head into the show, luckily because of my connections at the venue I was able to secure a ticket in the pit, but I figured I would just hang out towards the back and vibe, simply taking in the lyrics. I feel my phone vibrate in my hands as I make my way towards the bar, and I hear people around me start to 'ooh and ahh', and I look at my phone, opening Instagram to see that The 1975's account posted the official tracklist for the album. Up until now, we've only seen the cover, but the tracklist looks fucking phenomenal, and I am so excited to hear the songs. 

The tracklist reads:


This Must Be My Dream



The Birthday Party

Looking For Somebody (To Love)

Give Yourself a Try

Loving Somebody

Love It If We Made It


I Couldn't Be More In Love

Love Me


A couple of the songs sound familiar, I remember him writing 'This Must Be My Dream" while we were in Philadelphia on the first tour. I remember walking in on him sturmming in his dressing room, he was acting all shy like he didn't want to tell me he wrote a song about me, and hell, now he's gonna play it in front of this enourmous crowd. And of course I've heard 'Give Yourself a Try' because it played on the radio, and I later learned it was the band's lead, and only single from the album. Unusual I thought at first, only one single? But, if there's one thing about Matty, he's gonna do things unconventionally. 

There's no opener for the show, so I grab a Corona from the bar, and make my way down to the pit. It's already pretty packed, but like I said, I prefer to hang out in the back, observe the crowd and vibe on my own to the music. The sun sets beautifully behind the stage, and as nine pm closes in, fans begin to stand up and cheer. 

Suddenly all the lights turn off, and the crowd screams. On the digital screens small colored boxes begin to appear one at a time splattering around the screen. They seem to mimic the cover art, and I wait in anticipation as the roar from the crowd increases. The boxes begin to appear faster, now beginning to cover the screens, once all the space is filled the lights all turn off once again.

After a long thirty seconds of silence, the entire stage lights up a neon green, with black boxes flashing on the side screens. Over the speakers there's a voice talking seeming to serve as the show's introduction.

"So, we can no longer save the world by playing by the rules
Because the rules have to be changed
Everything needs to change, and it has to start today
So, everyone out there, it is now time for civil disobedience"

"It's time to rebel."

The final sentiment, "it's time to rebel" echoes throughout the venue, and the interlude is followed with a heavy guitar intro, and the main screen flashes "People" in bolded font, and within seconds the guys all appear on stage, with Matty screaming into the microphone. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" And the crowd goes crazy.

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now